Sandia UNcertainty CALculator (SUNCAL)
Copyright 2019-2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
This tool was developed by the Primary Standards Lab at Sandia National Laboratories to calculate the combined uncertainty of a multi-variable system. Contact [email protected].
Installation of the Python package and command line interface requires Python 3.9+ with the following packages:
- numpy
- scipy
- sympy
- matplotlib
- pyqt5
- pyyaml
- markdown
- pint
To install (on Windows, Mac, or Linux), from a command prompt, run:
pip install suncal
From a python terminal, script, or notebook:
import suncal
u = suncal.Model('A*B')
See the PDF user's manual and the example notebook files in the docs folder for a complete reference guide.
A script named suncal will be installed to your system path. From a command line, run:
suncal file
where file is the filename of a setup file. See doc/examples folder for example setup files. Refer to the PDF user's manual for other commands.
A graphical user interface is installed with the Python package. Pre-built executables are available from
To launch the user interface from a command line, run:
python -m suncal.gui