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A microservice which defines the database used to store automation system run information and exposes endpoints to ease querying.

Table of Contents

Requirements for Development

The following tools are required for development:

  • python (use pyenv or something similar to install the python version specified in the Pipfile)
  • mySQL 8.0 (a docker-compose.yml is included to easily get the database server up and running)

Getting Started

Setup Steps

Install the require dependencies:

pipenv install --dev

Create the following database (currently manually):

  • psd_cherrytrack_dev

To generate dummy data for this project you can use SQL statements from:

  • Biosero-SQL. In particular see biosero-sql/example-queries which can be run manually on psd_cherrytrack_dev


Flask Migrate is a wrapper around Alembic

To check the current state of the migrations, run:

flask db current

To run the migrations:

flask db upgrade


To run the application:

flask run


Testing Requirements

Create the following database (currently manually):

  • psd_cherrytrack_test

Migrate the test database:

SETTINGS_PATH=config/ flask db upgrade

Running Tests

To run the test suite:

python -m pytest

Formatting, Linting and Type Checking


This project is formatted using black. To run formatting checks, run:

pipenv run black .


This project is linted using flake8. To lint the code, run:

pipenv run flake8

Type Checking

This project uses static type checking using the mypy library, to run:

pipenv run mypy .


This project uses a Docker image as the unit of deployment. To create a release for deployment, create a release in GitHub and wait for the GitHub action to create the Docker image.

The release version should align with the standards.


Updating the Table of Contents

To update the table of contents after adding things to this README you can use the markdown-toc node module. To run:

npx markdown-toc -i