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Unified Warehouse Builder

Build Status

A denormalised warehouse for multiple LIMS.

Usage (Development)


  1. MySQL (currently 8.0) is required and usually installed with homebrew:

    brew install [email protected]
    brew link [email protected] --force


  1. Clone the git repository

  2. Install the relevant ruby from .ruby-version
    Rbenv will read .ruby-version automatically
    rbenv install

  3. Run the setup process:
    3.1. Set up your MySQL root password inside the file config/database.yml
    3.2. Run bin/setup

NB: If getting an error while installing the mysql2 gem, try:

bundle config build.mysql2 --with-opt-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl)

if that doesn't work, try:

   gem install mysql2 -- \
    --with-mysql-lib=/Users/your_user/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/your_version/lib \
    --with-mysql-dir=/Users/your_user/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/your_version  \
    --with-mysql-config=/Users/your_user/homebrew/Cellar/mysql/your_version/bin/mysql_config \

and try runnning bundle install again.

Database preparation

Before you can use the system in any capacity, you must first prepare the database. This should be handled by bin/setup above, but if not:

bundle exec rake db:setup

(Optional) Create the views

This project provides the view cherrypicked_samples that links data with the event warehouse. To create the view you need to run the command:

bundle exec rake db:views:schema:load

Running tests

Ensure the test suite is running and passing:

bundle exec rspec

Integration tests


  1. Initialize the integration tests setup for events warehouse (please check the Integration Tests setup section at

  2. Reset the database

    bundle exec rake db:reset
  3. Create the dependent views

    bundle exec rake db:views:schema:load

These actions can also be performed automatically if you run the Docker container of the service and pass the environment variables:


Running the integration tests

  1. Run the integration tests:

     bundle exec rspec --tag integration


Execute the worker to pick up messages in the queue and process them into the database:

    bundle exec warren consumer start

The consumer will run in the foreground, logging to the console. You can stop it with Ctrl-C.

For more warren actions, either use bundle exec warren help or see the warren documentation

Preparing to run locally with Traction Service

RabbitMQ is essential for this process, so if you haven't already, install it using:

brew install rabbitmq
brew services start rabbitmq

You can now view the instance running at http://localhost:15672/.

You may wish to start the warren consumers with:

bundle exec warren consumer start --path='config/warren_traction_service_dev.yml'

This will adjust the configuration options to be compatible with those suggested in the traction setup.

Also see managing custom configs

Manage Custom Configs

It is possible to run the consumers with a custom configuration, eg.

bundle exec warren consumer start --path='config/my_customized_config.local.yml'

The .gitignore file will automatically prevent these configurations from being committed.


If you receive an error about a missing output file under tmp/pid/ it may be that you need to create this directory manually. Once the directory above has been inserted at the root of the repository, the error should go away.

How To Section

COG-UK Ids - These ids are given to positive samples imported through the Lighthouse-UI. This process should automatically record those Ids in the sample table, and also into the lighthouse_sample table. To migrate COG-UK Ids into the lighthouse_sample table manually via SQL, see this Confluence page.