How to install Kubernetes cluster using Terraform,Ansible and Kubeadm
Build a Kubernetes cluster using Ansible with kubeadm. The goal is easily install a Kubernetes cluster on machines running:
- Ubuntu 16.04
- CentOS 7
- Debian 9
Google cloud SDK needs to be installed on your deployment machine, if your installing for first time then you can run the following command and follow the instruction
gcloud init
Once your set you either create a new project from google cloud console or you can use command line to create a project, I am assuming you have a project created and now lets generate a json file for terraform for authentication
gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create gce-terraform-key.json --iam-account=terraform@<project_id>
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding kubernetes-the-hard-way-194619 --member='serviceAccount:terraform@<project_id>' --role='roles/editor'
Above can also be achieved from google cloud console.
- Deployment enviornment must have terraform installed
- Latest version can be downloaded from :
- Terraform code is for Google Cloud, this will provision 1 Master node and 2 Worker node
- Clone the directory and run the following command:
terraform init terraform plan terraform apply
Deployment environment must have Ansible
Make sure you specify private key path to make ssh connection to instances, I am assuming that you already have added your SSH key in googlecloud console, use the same username for making conncetion with specifying the private key
Modify the
, add the Master and Worker node ip which you will the get from terraform output[master] [node] [kube-cluster:children] master node [all:vars] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=sanjay.naikwadi ansible_ssh_private_key_file=<path_to_file>
, select the flannel or calico, I have used flannel
Once everything is set lets run the playbook
$ ansible-playbook site.yaml
Once your Install is successful, let grab a admin.conf file and verify the cluster status, I have kubectl installed on my development machine
scp -i <private_key.pem> [email protected]:/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf .
$kubectl get nodes
cont-1 Ready master 47m v1.11.1
work-1 Ready <none> 43m v1.11.1
work-2 Ready <none> 43m v1.11.1