- Features
- Options
- Console
- Hotkeys
- Opcode Search Tool
- Command Line Interface
- Language Service
- SCM Debugger
- Error Messages
- 0001: INI file not found
- 0002: Unknown array type
- 0003: Error reading script.img
- 0004: Unknown parameter type
- 0005: Invalid edit mode
- 0006: Unknown file header
- 0007: File not found
- 0008: Error reading opcodes list
- 0009: Opcodes list not found
- 0010: Unknown opcode
- 0011: Unknown opcode
- 0012: Incorrect jump instruction
- 0013: Unknown directive
- 0014: Incorrect expression
- 0016: Script not found
- 0017: Unknown type of variable
- 0018: Invalid array size
- 0019: Unknown array type
- 0020: Variable is not declared as array
- 0021: Incorrect variable name
- 0022: Loop counter is not a variable
- 0023: Unexpected instruction
- 0024: Error reading integer number
- 0025: Incorrect counter range
- 0026: Error reading floating-point number
- 0027: String is too long
- 0028: Unterminated string
- 0029: Invalid debug script ID
- 0031: Invalid total number of elements
- 0032: Invalid value in the header
- 0033: Invalid local variable name
- 0034: Local variable is out of range
- 0035: Expected word
- 0036: Local mission variable is out of range
- 0037: Debug script not found
- 0038: Unknown type of array
- 0039: Invalid element definition
- 0040: Constant name or value not found
- 0041: Invalid mission id
- 0042: Duplicate external script name
- 0043: Invalid array index
- 0044: Invalid array name
- 0045: Invalid array syntax: variable name is missing
- 0046: Invalid array syntax
- 0047: Invalid array size
- 0048: Error reading array size
- 0049: Not enough parameters for opcode
- 0050: Not enough parameters for command
- 0051: Error writing script.img header
- 0052: Error writing script.img
- 0053: Recursive include
- 0054: Label not found
- 0055: Identifier not found
- 0056: Label redeclared
- 0057: Internal label not found
- 0058: Invalid parameter
- 0059: Invalid opcode definition
- 0060: No input file
- 0061: Empty source
- 0062: IDE file not found
- 0063: Mission label expected
- 0064: Mission label not found
- 0065: External script label not found
- 0067: Forbidden character in external script name
- 0068: Forbidden character in identifier
- 0069: Forbidden character in object name
- 0071: Incorrect number of conditions
- 0072: Missing logical operator
- 0073: Redundant logical operator
- 0074: Disabled option
- 0075: Incorrect hexadecimal value
- 0076: Condition expected
- 0079: Invalid parameter in Alloc command
- 0080: Non-negative integer number expected
- 0081: Too many actual parameters
- 0082: Invalid syntax
- 0083: Unknown model ID
- 0084: Jump to offset 0
- 0086: Invalid array index
- 0087: Invalid variable
- 0088: Global variable is out of range
- 0089: Opcode not found
- 0090: Duplicate constant
- 0091: Not enough memory to allocate a local variable
- 0092: Incorrect export symbol
- 0093: Only headless scripts can export code
- 0094: Duplicate export name
- 0095: Incorrect import name
- 0096: Incorrect import path
- 0097: Too many actual parameters
- 0098: Unknown operator
- 0099: Left-hand side of the assignment must be a variable
- 0100: Invalid operator
- 0101: Variable is not a class instance
- 0102: Switch statement needs a variable
- 0103: Expected a switch case
- 0104: Expected a value for the switch case
- 0105: Expected a function argument name
- 0106: Expected a function argument type
- 0107: Expected function return type
- 0108: Unsupported argument type
- 0109: Expected variables to store function result
- 0110: Function must return N values
- 0111: Function not found in current scope
- 0113: Duplicate function declaration
- 0115: Invalid variable name. Name is reserved by another class or function
- 0116: Invalid variable name
- 0117: Invalid function name
- 0118: Unexpected value to return
- 0119: Unsupported type of argument
- 0120: Expected calling convention type
- 0121: Expected function's static address
- 0122: A non-static function can't be called by name
- 0123: A 'thiscall' function requires a pointer
- 0124: Foreign functions can't return more than one value
- 0125: Unexpected return type in function
- 0126: Can't export a foreign function definition
- 0127: Unexpected mission label in function