Access the Shizuku API seamlessly in your Flutter apps! 🚀
This plugin powers my Play Store application System App Remover, which allows users to remove system apps (bloatware) effortlessly without requiring root access or a computer(Android 10 and below still needs computer to run Shizuku).
Add the plugin to your project:
flutter pub add shizuku_api
- 📱 Shizuku app should be installed and running
📝 app/build.gradle
- minSdk should be >= 24
📝 AndroidManifest.xml add this inside application tag:
android:permission="android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL" />
⚠️ Important: DO THIS BEFORE CALLING ANY OTHER PLUGIN FEATURES- !! Shizuku should be installed
- ✅ Check if Shizuku is running first
bool isBinderRunning = await _shizukuApiPlugin.pingBinder() ?? false; // tries to ping shizuku
🛠️ check Shizuku Permission
final _shizukuApiPlugin = ShizukuApi(); // checks if shizuku permission granted by user //returns true if previously allowed permission or false if permission declined /never requested bool checkPermission = await _shizukuApiPlugin.checkPermission(); print(checkPermission);
🛠️ request Shizuku Permission
final _shizukuApiPlugin = ShizukuApi(); // triggers shizuku popup //returns true if Permission allowed or false if declined bool requestPermission = await _shizukuApiPlugin.requestPermission(); print(requestPermission);
💻 Run Commands
- ⚡ Root environment (su) is not tested
- ✅ Can run ADB shell commands (working fine)
String command = 'pm uninstall --user 0'; await _shizukuApiPlugin.runCommand(command); // returns success if Uninstalled system app / Failure if failed