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SN_PRINTFIG saves a specified figure as an image

SN_PRINTFIG(FILENAME) saves a specified figure as an JPG image with a specified FILENAME

SN_PRINTFIG(FILENAME,'OPTIONS',OPT_VAL) allows users to add more advance options

The OPTIONS are:

  'QUALITY':  File quality of a jpeg image ranging 0-100 (integer only)
  'RESOLUTION' or 'DPI': print resolution in the unit of Dots Per Inch
      (no negative integer only)
  'PRINTSCREEN':  TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE (by default), the figure will
      be saved as displayed on the screen, which is very useful for 
      those who are used to doing that
  'FIGURE':   specific figure handle to save instead of the current
      figure handle
  'FILETYPE': A string that can specify the file type you would like to
      save. Below are the file types supported 
  'SIZE': 2x1 vector that specifies that size in inches 
          [WIDTH  HEIGHT]
  'WIDTH': width of the image in inches (height will be autoset)
  'HEIGHT': height of the image in inches (width will be autoset)
  'FONTSIZE': the specific fontsize for the figure upon saving
  'FONTSIZERATIO': font size ratio upon saving the figure, the
      FONTSIZERATIO can specified in percentage string like '125%' or
      just numerical values like 1.25
  'NOFOOTNOTE': set to have no foot notes generated
      footnote is generated to indicate the time and source of the
  'NOSOURCE': set to not indicate source (if figure is generated from
      an m-file
  'NOTIMESTAMP': set to not indicate a timestamp of a figure being saved

  eps, epsc       Encapsulated PostScript - Color (vector)
  epsmono         Encapsulated PostScript - Black & White (vector)
  eps2, epsc2     Encapsulated PostScript Level 2 - Color (vector)
  epsmono2        Encapsulated PostScript Level 2 - Black & White (vector)
  pdf             Portable Document Format File (vector)
  jpg, jpeg       JPEG (bitmap)
  png             PNG (bitmap)
  ppm             Portable Pixmap Image File (bitmap)
  ppmraw          Portable Pixmap Image File - Raw (bitmap)
  emf, meta       Enhanced Windows Metafile (vector) 
  bmp             Bitmap Image File (bitmap)
  bmp16m          Bitmap Image File - 24-bit (16m colors) (bitmap)
  bmp256          Bitmap Image File - 8-bit (256 colors) (bitmap)
  bmpmono         Bitmap Image File - monochrome (bitmap)
  hdf             Hierarchical Data Format File (bitmap)
  tiff            Tagged Image File Format - compressed (bitmap)
  tiffn           Tagged Image File Format - not compressed (bitmap)
  pgm             Portable Gray Map Image (bitmap)
  pgmraw          Portable Gray Map Image - Raw (bitmap)
  svg             Scalable Vector Graphics File (vector) 
  pcx, pcx24b     Paintbrush Bitmap Image File - 24-bit colors (bitmap)
  pcx16           Paintbrush Bitmap Image File - 16 colors (bitmap)
  pcx256          Paintbrush Bitmap Image File - 8-bit colors (bitmap)
  pcxmono         Paintbrush Bitmap Image File - monochrome (bitmap)
  pbm             Portable Bitmap Image (bitmap)
  pbmraw          Portable Bitmap Image - Raw (bitmap)
  ill, ai         Adobe Illustrator Image (vector)
  ps, psc         Poscript File - Color (vector)
  psmono          Poscript File - Black & White (vector)
  ps2, psc2       Poscript File Level 2 - Color (vector)
  psmono2         Poscript File Level 2 - Black & White (vector)

Here are other options you can use without a value of each option

-noui Do not print UI control objects

-painters Rendering for printing to be done in Painters mode

-zbuffer Rendering for printing to be done in Z-buffer mode%

-opengl Rendering for printing to be done in OpenGL mode


Created by San Nguyen 2012 05 09 Updated by San Nguyen 2014 10 26


SN_PRINTFIG saves a specified figure as an image in MATLAB







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