I am Priyam Sarkar. Presently I am learning C++ at Soundarya PU College.
This is a repository conataining all the essential git commands.
C++, HTML, SQL, MongoDB, Git, Kdenlive(Video Editing)
This command is used to config the git bash
git config --global user.name <yourusername>
git config --global user.email <youremailid>
This command is used to track the directory
git init
This command is used to create file
git touch <filename>
This command is used to check status
git status
This command is used to see status in a cleaner format
git status -s
This command is used to track all files
git add -A
This command is used to track file
git add <filename>
This command is used to commit a file to staged
git commit <filenam> -m "<your commit comment>"
This command is used to commit all file to staged
git commit -a -m "<your commit comment>"
This command is used to see all logs
git log -p
This command is used to see a number of logs
git log -p -<number of logs to be viewed>
This command is used to see the current branch
git branch
This command is used to create a new branch
git branch <branchname>
This command is used to shift from one branch to another
git checkout <branchname>
This command is used to push the branch to the the repository
git push -u origin <branchname>