Modify date: 2020-04-11
Convert the local markdown posts into html for my personal website.
Insert the html into layout file.
- Construct the html posts folder with same structure as that for markdown posts.
- Detect the YAML info of markdown posts and use the info in modified html posts. e.g.
title: 其他摘录
modify date: 2020-01-29
tags: [Digest, Classical Chinese Literature]
head image: /assets/img/covers/codingcover.jpg
- Convert markdown posts with tables, code and toc into html codes.
- Add the class "anchor" to each <h> tag in html that appear in "toc", for the padding space format in html files.
self.headList = self.soup.findAll(re.compile('^h\d'))
- Modify the table if table head is not need. (Basically in lots of markdown editors table without head cannot be rendered correctly.)
- Deal with the differences in relative file path of images between markdown and html codes. e.g.
Path in Markdown
Path in HTML
<p><img alt="02-1L.jpg" src="../../assets/img/00architecture/03MAUD-EX02/02-1L.jpg"/></p>
- Insert content, toc, title to layout template and modify the title and head image if needed.