I am a data scientist specializing in spatial data analysis, with a strong focus on utilizing geographic information systems (GIS) tools in conjunction with machine learning techniques. I have a proven track record of working on projects that involve spatial data analysis, applying machine learning algorithms, and developing regression models. I excel at problem-solving, collaborating in team environments, and have apassion for conducting research.
🐍 Python
- Machine Learning: Scikit-learn, XGBoost
- Data Science: Pandas, Numpy, Geopandas, Duckdb, Polars, Pyspark, Apache Sedona
- Demo: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, Plotly, Streamlit
- PostgreSQL, MSSQL, DynamoDB
- BigQuery, Amazon Redshift
- React, OpenLayers, Leaflet
- FastAPI, Golang, AWS, GCP, Docker, Git
- QGIS, ARCGIS, CityEngine
- ARCGIS Enterprise/Online