A github/gitlab webhook script written in python and based on git-trello-hook.
In git's commit add [CARDID] string (where CARDID - your Trello's Card ID, 8 symbols), in corresponding Trello card a comment will be added with text message and url to git commit.
Just pust lines in file .env
And run ./start.sh
By default script will bind port 7575 on all interfaces, it can be changed - see help.
Update .env
file, then:
docker build -t git2trello .
docker run -d -P --env-file=.env git2trello
Update .env
file, then:
docker-compose up
###Heroku Add configuration variables API_KEY and OAUTH_TOKEN
This is not so well explained in Trello, but I understood that you need to authorize the app with API_KEY to access each board separatelly. To do that:
where [YOUR+API_KEY+HERE] is the one you entered in the previous step, while [BOARD+NAME+AS...] is, well, what it says. If your board url is
then you should type in "git-trello".
Configure webhook with /webhook URL, for example if your app is runnning on IP