Web-store app allowes to register with google, choose products to basket, checkout on stripe, check on existing orders from the database. This project is a fully functioned and deployed full-stack responsive app. Created on Next.js with NextAuth, Redux, Taillwindcss, Firebase, Stripe checkout.
Run commands
npm install
npm run dev
Run commands
npm install --global yarn
yarn install
yarn run dev
you need also install stripe CLI if you want to run it locally. after installation you need to run in Comand prompt
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/webhook
Please check video guide at youtube. There is a link to deployed app bellow.
Sign in screenshots:
Responsive views on different devices:
Mobile basket view:
Use video guide from Sonny Sangha on Youtube
Licensed under MIT License.
You can see more of my Projects on my GitHub profile
Contact sbolotnikov
Here is this repo link: https://github.com/sbolotnikov/bobby-store
Link: bobby-store