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Christian Egli edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 9 revisions

mdr2 interfaces with a number of external systems as outlined in Overview.

Table of contents


New productions
are initiated in ABACUS. They are then dumped as an XML file in a spool dir on the machine where ABACUS is installed. From there a cron job sends the new production to mdr2 via HTTP POST.
Recorded productions
are also finished in ABACUS. Again a corresponding XML is dumped and sent via cron to mdr2 via HTTP POST.
Metadata updates
are sent via XML files, cron and HTTP POST as above.
Status requests
are sent via XML files, cron and HTTP POST as above.
Status updates
are generated by mdr2 in a particular ASCII format, dumped in a spool dir and transferred to the ABACUS machine via cron.


Commercial audio books are not managed in ABACUS, so their production is initiated via a meta data import from the library system via some very peculiar XML format.


Obi is a DAISY production tool. Initial meta data for the recording and final export is provided by mdr2, so that narrators can simply export without having to worry about any of the options.

DAISY Pipeline

The DAISY Pipeline is used to validate and convert the export from Obi.


After a production has been finished and all the artifacts (mp3, rdf, iso) have been produced it will be archived. This is done by a legacy system with no real API. The interaction is mostly via dumping the artifacts in spool directories and inserting a row in a special table in the archive db.

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