Terraform module that manages Kubernetes clusters through an existing rancher server.
>= 0.15- an existing rancher server
- rancher's url
- rancher's admin account with sufficient privileges
- access & secret tokens of rancher's admin account : how to create them ?
- an existing VMware VCenter Server
- vcenter's url
- vcenter's username/password with sufficient privileges
The terraform module automatically creates an admin with full privileges within the cluster. This is the purpose of admin_user
and admin_password
Once created, the admin_user
is suffixed with the defined cluster_name
Let's imagine you've built with :
: "admin"cluster_name
: "k8spoc01"
Then, the created admin username is admin-k8spoc01
Standard example (see the next example for persistent storage) :
module "rancher_k8s" {
source = "github.com/scalair/terraform-rancher-vsphere"
cluster_template_revision = "v3" # must be changed if any value from the template object is changed
cluster_template_name = "default"
cluster_template_kubernetes_version = "v1.19.7-rancher1-1"
cluster_template_ingress_provider = "nginx"
cluster_template_network_plugin = "canal"
cluster_name = "k8s-poc01"
cluster_description = "POC Rancher cluster"
cluster_csi_support = false
cloud_credential_name = "neon"
cloud_credential_description = "vSphere Cluster"
cloud_credential_username = xxx
cloud_credential_password = xxx
cloud_credential_vcenter = xxx
cloud_credential_vcenter_port = xxx
vcenter_datacenter_name = "DC"
vcenter_datastore = "ds:///vmfs/volumes/2abe1337-25e31337/"
vcenter_folder = "/DC/vm/MYFOLDER"
vcenter_resourcepool_path = "host/CLUSTER01/Resources"
admin_user = "admin"
admin_password = xxx
users = [
username = "xat"
password = "xxx111"
enabled = true
cluster_privileges = [
project_privileges = [
project_name = "Default"
privileges = [
project_name = "System"
privileges = [
username = "blakelead"
password = "xxx222"
enabled = true
cluster_privileges = [
project_privileges = []
node_templates = {
"worker1-4-16-ubuntu" = {
engine_install_url = "https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/19.03.sh"
labels = {
"ssd" = "true"
cfgparam = ["disk.enableUUID=TRUE"]
cpu_count = "4"
memory_size = "16384"
disk_size = "80000"
creation_type = "template"
cloud_config = file("config/cloud-config.yaml")
datacenter = "/DC"
folder = "/DC/vm/C1337/"
clone_from = "/DC/vm/C1337/template-ubuntu2004"
datastore = "/DC/datastore/C1337_DATASTORE"
pool = "/DC/host/STD_OTH_K8S/Resources"
network = ["/DC/network/C1337_K8S_BACK_65738"]
tags = [
node_pools = {
"np-xb55s" = {
hostname_prefix = "k8spoc01node1-"
roles = ["control_plane", "etcd", "worker"]
quantity = 1
template_name = "worker1-4-16-ubuntu"
"np-c5lrk" = {
hostname_prefix = "k8spoc01node2-"
roles = ["control_plane", "etcd", "worker"]
quantity = 1
template_name = "worker1-4-16-ubuntu"
"np-k52vq" = {
hostname_prefix = "k8spoc01node3-"
roles = ["control_plane", "etcd", "worker"]
quantity = 1
template_name = "worker1-4-16-ubuntu"
Example with CSI support :
module "rancher_k8s" {
source = "github.com/scalair/terraform-rancher-vsphere"
cluster_template_revision = "v3" # must be changed if any value from the template object is changed
cluster_template_name = "default"
cluster_template_kubernetes_version = "v1.19.7-rancher1-1"
cluster_template_ingress_provider = "nginx"
cluster_template_network_plugin = "canal"
cluster_template_kubelet_extra_binds = [
cluster_name = "k8s-poc01"
cluster_description = "POC Rancher cluster"
cluster_csi_support = true
cloud_credential_name = "neon"
cloud_credential_description = "vSphere Cluster"
cloud_credential_username = xxx
cloud_credential_password = xxx
cloud_credential_vcenter = xxx
cloud_credential_vcenter_port = xxx
vcenter_datacenter_name = "DC"
vcenter_datastore = "ds:///vmfs/volumes/2abe1337-25e31337/"
vcenter_folder = "/DC/vm/MYFOLDER"
vcenter_resourcepool_path = "host/CLUSTER01/Resources"
admin_user = "admin"
admin_password = xxx
node_templates = {
"worker1-4-16-ubuntu" = {
engine_install_url = "https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/19.03.sh"
labels = {
"ssd" = "true"
cfgparam = ["disk.enableUUID=TRUE"]
cpu_count = "4"
memory_size = "16384"
disk_size = "80000"
creation_type = "template"
cloud_config = file("config/cloud-config.yaml")
datacenter = "/DC"
folder = "/DC/vm/C1337/"
clone_from = "/DC/vm/C1337/template-ubuntu2004"
datastore = "/DC/datastore/C1337_DATASTORE"
pool = "/DC/host/STD_OTH_K8S/Resources"
network = ["/DC/network/C1337_K8S_BACK_65738"]
tags = [
node_pools = {
"np-xb55s" = {
hostname_prefix = "k8spoc01node1-"
roles = ["control_plane", "etcd", "worker"]
quantity = 1
template_name = "worker1-4-16-ubuntu"
"np-c5lrk" = {
hostname_prefix = "k8spoc01node2-"
roles = ["control_plane", "etcd", "worker"]
quantity = 1
template_name = "worker1-4-16-ubuntu"
"np-k52vq" = {
hostname_prefix = "k8spoc01node3-"
roles = ["control_plane", "etcd", "worker"]
quantity = 1
template_name = "worker1-4-16-ubuntu"
In order to enable persistent storage, please read CSI/CPI documentation
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Additionaly you can see what change in each version in the CHANGELOG.md file.