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Document Outer Transformers
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MateuszKubuszok committed Oct 8, 2024
1 parent 2409038 commit ebe27d2
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Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,30 @@ package io.scalaland.chimney.integrations

import io.scalaland.chimney.partial

/** Tells Chimney how to convert some outer types/wrappers/collections where conversions for their inner values/items
* could be derived, when the type sometimes cannot be constructed.
* @tparam From
* whole outer source type (with all possible type parameters applied)
* @tparam To
* whole outer target type (with all possible type parameters applied)
* @tparam InnerFrom
* type of the value(s) inside From that Chimney can derive conversion from
* @tparam InnerTo
* type of the value(s) inside To that Chimney can derive conversion to
* @since 1.5.0
trait PartialOuterTransformer[From, To, InnerFrom, InnerTo] {

/** Converts the outer type when the conversion of inner type turns out to be total. */
def transformWithTotalInner(
src: From,
failFast: Boolean,
inner: InnerFrom => InnerTo
): partial.Result[To]

/** Converts the outer type when the conversion of inner type turns out to be partial. */
def transformWithPartialInner(
src: From,
failFast: Boolean,
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,29 @@ package io.scalaland.chimney.integrations

import io.scalaland.chimney.partial

/** Tells Chimney how to convert some outer types/wrappers/collections where conversions for their inner values/items
* could be derived, when the type can be always constructed.
* @tparam From
* whole outer source type (with all possible type parameters applied)
* @tparam To
* whole outer target type (with all possible type parameters applied)
* @tparam InnerFrom
* type of the value(s) inside From that Chimney can derive conversion from
* @tparam InnerTo
* type of the value(s) inside To that Chimney can derive conversion to
* @since 1.5.0
trait TotalOuterTransformer[From, To, InnerFrom, InnerTo] {

/** Converts the outer type when the conversion of inner types turns out to be total. */
def transformWithTotalInner(
src: From,
inner: InnerFrom => InnerTo
): To

/** Converts the outer type when the conversion of inner types turns out to be partial. */
def transformWithPartialInner(
src: From,
failFast: Boolean,
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ import io.scalaland.chimney.internal.compiletime.derivation.transformer.Derivati
import io.scalaland.chimney.partial
import io.scalaland.chimney.partial.Result

private[compiletime] trait TransformImplicitOuterTransformerRuleModule { this: Derivation =>
private[compiletime] trait TransformImplicitOuterTransformerRuleModule {
this: Derivation & TransformProductToProductRuleModule =>

import ChimneyType.Implicits.*
import ChimneyType.Implicits.*, TransformProductToProductRule.useOverrideIfPresentOr

protected object TransformImplicitOuterTransformerRule extends Rule("ImplicitOuterTransformer") {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,7 +49,9 @@ private[compiletime] trait TransformImplicitOuterTransformerRuleModule { this: D
.promise[InnerFrom](ExprPromise.NameGenerationStrategy.FromType, ExprPromise.UsageHint.None)
.traverse { (innerFromExpr: Expr[InnerFrom]) =>
deriveRecursiveTransformationExpr[InnerFrom, InnerTo](innerFromExpr, Path(_.everyItem), Path(_.everyItem))
useOverrideIfPresentOr("everyItem", ctx.config.filterCurrentOverridesForEveryItem) {
deriveRecursiveTransformationExpr[InnerFrom, InnerTo](innerFromExpr, Path(_.everyItem), Path(_.everyItem))
.flatMap { promise =>
promise.foldTransformationExpr { (onTotal: ExprPromise[InnerFrom, Expr[InnerTo]]) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +80,9 @@ private[compiletime] trait TransformImplicitOuterTransformerRuleModule { this: D
.promise[InnerFrom](ExprPromise.NameGenerationStrategy.FromType, ExprPromise.UsageHint.None)
.traverse { (innerFromExpr: Expr[InnerFrom]) =>
deriveRecursiveTransformationExpr[InnerFrom, InnerTo](innerFromExpr, Path(_.everyItem), Path(_.everyItem))
useOverrideIfPresentOr("everyItem", ctx.config.filterCurrentOverridesForEveryItem) {
deriveRecursiveTransformationExpr[InnerFrom, InnerTo](innerFromExpr, Path(_.everyItem), Path(_.everyItem))
.flatMap { promise =>
promise.foldTransformationExpr { (onTotal: ExprPromise[InnerFrom, Expr[InnerTo]]) =>
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162 changes: 160 additions & 2 deletions docs/docs/
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Expand Up @@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ such generic `implicit` would:
(why is explained in [one of sections above](#automatic-semiautomatic-and-inlined-derivation))
* NOT cooperate with DSL for overriding values by paths e.g.
`FooCollection[Foo].into[BarCollection[Bar]].withFieldConst(_.everyItem.value, someValue).transform`
* require defining a separare `implicit` between each 2 collections types
* require defining a separate `implicit` between each 2 collections types

Similarly, newtypes/refined types would require dedicated pair of implicits for wrapping/unwrapping if we went with
a naive approach, custom optional types would not behave like `Option`s, etc.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2259,6 +2259,164 @@ An example of such collections are `java.util` collections for which support is
and `TotallyBuildMap` in [Java collections' integration](#java-collections-integration), or `` types
provided in [Cats integration](#cats-integration).

### Custom outer type conversion

Providing `implicit` `Transformer` or `PartialTransformer` is usually needed when conversion between outer types
can be generated, except for some inner values. What if the opposite is true?

!!! example

case class NonEmptyList[A] private (head: A, tail: List[A])
object NonEmptyList { def make[A](a: A, as: A*): NonEmptyList[A] = new NonEmptyList(a, as.toList) }
case class NonEmptyVector[A] private (head: A, tail: Vector[A])
object NonEmptyVector { def make[A](a: A, as: A*): NonEmptyVector[A] = new NonEmptyVector(a, as.toVector) }

In the above example, we might want to convert `NonEmptyList` into `NonEmptyVector`. If we use integrations for
collections, then we can define `PartiallyBuildIterable` for both of them... but the conversion can only be partial,
with a `PartialTransformer[NonEmptyList[From], NonEmptyVector[To]]`. Even when we know that all such conversions
succeeds (we can always convert `From` into `To`), and that `NonEmptyList` when converted can only create a non-empty
vector - `PartiallyBuildIterable` cannot know this. But we do.

Such outer conversion can be defined using `TotalOuterTransformer`:

!!! example

//> using dep io.scalaland::chimney::{{ chimney_version() }}
//> using dep com.lihaoyi::pprint::{{ libraries.pprint }}

import io.scalaland.chimney.integrations._
import io.scalaland.chimney.partial

case class NonEmptyList[A] private (head: A, tail: List[A])
object NonEmptyList { def make[A](a: A, as: A*): NonEmptyList[A] = new NonEmptyList(a, as.toList) }
case class NonEmptyVector[A] private (head: A, tail: Vector[A])
object NonEmptyVector { def make[A](a: A, as: A*): NonEmptyVector[A] = new NonEmptyVector(a, as.toVector) }

// Always creates NonEmptyVector as long as ALL of its values can be created
implicit def nonEmptyListToNonEmptyVector[A, B]: TotalOuterTransformer[NonEmptyList[A], NonEmptyVector[B], A, B] =
new TotalOuterTransformer[NonEmptyList[A], NonEmptyVector[B], A, B] {
// used when A => B will be resolved by Chimney to be a total transformation
def transformWithTotalInner(
src: NonEmptyList[A],
inner: A => B
): NonEmptyVector[B] = NonEmptyVector.make(inner(src.head), _*)
// used when A => B will be resolved by Chimney to be a partial transformation
def transformWithPartialInner(
src: NonEmptyList[A],
failFast: Boolean,
inner: A => partial.Result[B]
): partial.Result[NonEmptyVector[B]] = partial.Result.map2(
partial.Result.traverse[Seq[B], A, B](src.tail.iterator, inner, failFast),
(head: B, tail: Seq[B]) => NonEmptyVector.make[B](head, tail: _*),
// ...and now we can convert:
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._

NonEmptyList.make("a", "b").transformInto[NonEmptyVector[String]]
// expected output:
// NonEmptyVector(head = "a", tail = Vector("b"))
NonEmptyList.make("a", "b").into[NonEmptyVector[String]]
.withFieldConst(_.everyItem, "c") // we can provide overrides using .everyItem in DSL
// expected output:
// NonEmptyVector(head = "c", tail = Vector("c"))

The other kind of Outer Transformer is `PartialOuterTransformer`:

!!! example

//> using dep io.scalaland::chimney::{{ chimney_version() }}
//> using dep com.lihaoyi::pprint::{{ libraries.pprint }}

import io.scalaland.chimney.integrations._
import io.scalaland.chimney.partial

case class NonEmptyList[A] private (head: A, tail: List[A])
object NonEmptyList { def make[A](a: A, as: A*): NonEmptyList[A] = new NonEmptyList(a, as.toList) }
case class TwoItemVector[A](head: A, tail: A)

// Only creates TwoItemVector if NonEmptyList has exactly 2 items, and both are valid
implicit def nonEmptyListToTwoItemVector[A, B]: PartialOuterTransformer[NonEmptyList[A], TwoItemVector[B], A, B] =
new PartialOuterTransformer[NonEmptyList[A], TwoItemVector[B], A, B] {
// used when A => B will be resolved by Chimney to be a total transformation
def transformWithTotalInner(
src: NonEmptyList[A],
failFast: Boolean,
inner: A => B
): partial.Result[TwoItemVector[B]] = src match {
case NonEmptyList(a, b :: Nil) => partial.Result.fromValue(
TwoItemVector[B](inner(a), inner(b))
case _ => partial.Result.fromErrorString("Exactly 2 items expected")
// used when A => B will be resolved by Chimney to be a partial transformation
def transformWithPartialInner(
src: NonEmptyList[A],
failFast: Boolean,
inner: A => partial.Result[B]
): partial.Result[TwoItemVector[B]] = src match {
case NonEmptyList(a, b :: Nil) => partial.Result.map2(
TwoItemVector[B](_, _),
case _ => partial.Result.fromErrorString("Exactly 2 items expected")
// ...and now we can convert:
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._

NonEmptyList.make("a", "b").transformIntoPartial[TwoItemVector[String]]
// expected output:
// Value(value = TwoItemVector(head = "a", tail = "b"))
NonEmptyList.make("a", "b").intoPartial[TwoItemVector[String]]
.withFieldConst(_.everyItem, "c") // we can provide overrides using .everyItem in DSL
// expected output:
// Value(value = TwoItemVector(head = "c", tail = "c"))

!!! tip

Since `TotalOuterTransformer` and `PartialOuterTransformer` seem to be pretty generic, one can ask why not use them
to handle all conversions beteen all collections?

The problem is: _how would you define the implicits?_ If you wanted to define them between every pair, that's a
sqaure of all collections that we would have to handle. If we wanted to define some API so that each of them would
require only 1 implicit - that's precisly what `TotallyBuildIterable` and `PartiallyBuildIterable` provide.

As a result, defining an Outer Transformer for collection is necessary only when it's a collection with a smart
constructor and we have to handle a case when we know that this smart constructor would not fail.

!!! tip

Outer Transformers are useful not only for special cases in collections, but they can also be used when one would
like to handle the conversion inside some wrapper types (that cannot be handled by Chimney OOTB) like e.g. some
new types implementations.

### Custom error types

Chimney's derivation supports only 1 error type: `partial.Result[A]`. It allows to effectively combine errors,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2311,7 +2469,7 @@ Out of the box, Chimney provides `partial.Result[A]` conversions:
* `(ttry: Try[A]).asResult`
* `(ttry: Try[A]).toPartialResult` (old syntax)

To enable `.asResult` syntax, all you need to do is providind an `implicit` instance of
To enable `.asResult` syntax, all you need to do is providing an `implicit` instance of
`io.scalaland.chimney.partial.AsResult` type class:

!!! example
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