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yeealex93 edited this page May 22, 2012 · 5 revisions

Getting a database set up

  1. In, under the second databases configurations (if 1:) enter in a location for the db to live under NAME (we're using sqlite3 for testing)

  2. run sudo python install in both the django-profiles and django-registration directories. #edit 5/21/12#: running the script will do these commands.

  3. run python syncdb, entering in the info for a django superuser when prompted

  4. run python runserver

On the site

  1. go to /login/ and log in with the superuser info

  2. adding projects creates a new project object with a name and a user defined

  3. clicking on the project allows you to add experiments associated with that project

  4. experiments consist of:

    • facility (NCNR exists right now)
    • instrument (bt7 and ng3 exist as instruments, and tas and sans as instrument classes)
    • templates (none really exist, there's an empty template named testTemplate)
    • files (files that are uploaded are stored in /tmp/FILES)
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