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Multilingual LaTeX manual for schlizbäda's raspiblaster

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compile by using the LaTeX project: pdflatex raspiblaster_en

Supported languages

At the moment this documentation is released for following languages:

  • English
  • German

The pdf document translated into a certain language can be found at

Addition of further languages

For each supported language there exists a file named raspiblaster_??.tex where ?? is replaced by the ISO 3166 ALPHA-2 code. These files start like this where the language definitions have to be adjusted according to LaTeX syntax:

    11pt,      % font size
    english,   % language-specific package (umlauts, hyphenation etc.)
    a4paper,   % paper size and format
    oneside,   % single-sided document
    titlepage, % usage of cover sheet
    parskip=half,          % spacing between paragraphs (half line)
    headings=normal,       % reduce size of captions
    listof=totoc,          % add lists to table of contents
    bibliography=totoc,    % add bibliography to table of contents
    index=totoc,           % add indices to table of contents
    captions=tableheading, % add annotations under figures 
    final                  % document's state (final/draft)

% LANGUAGE OF DOCUMENT ---------------------------------------------------------
% Adjustment of the document's language ----------------------------------------

% Here you can select the document's language. Any language-specific 
% part will be replaced. 
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The directory layout contains *.tex files which consist of language-independent and language-dependent parts. The language-dependent parts are stored in a sub directory en resp. de. To add a further language copy one of these sub directories to a new one named according to ISO 3166 ALPHA 2. Translate the containing files into the new language.

In the directory chapter there are only some language-specific sub directories like en where the language-specific *.tex files are stored. Copy one sub directory to a new one named according to ISO 3166 ALPHA 2 and translate all *.tex files inside.

The directory pics contains picture files. Some of them needn't to be translated. They are stored directly at pics. The language-dependent pictures (e.g. screen shots) can be found in the language-dependent sub directories en, de and so on.

bash script

Call this script to clean-up the repository from temporary files generated by LaTeX as there are

  • *.aux
  • *.idx
  • *.lof
  • *.log
  • *.lot
  • *.nlo
  • *.out
  • *.toc

These files hold data concerning hyperlink issues. They are necessary for LaTeX to create correct hyperlink references inside the resulting pdf file. So it is necessary to call the LaTeX compilation twice: On the first run the complete text is created which includes the destination labels of the used hyperlinks. The second run binds all hyperlink references with the destination labels.

The script removes these temporary files. It expects a command line parameter according to ISO 3166 ALPHA 2. To compile and clean up the English version use these commands:

pdflatex raspiblaster_en # first run
pdflatex raspiblaster_en # second run
./cleanup en             # remove temporary files of the English language version


Multilingual LaTeX manual for schlizbäda's raspiblaster







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