I am using the the book The theoretical minimum : what you need to know to start doing physics by Leonard Susskind and George Hrabovsky.
We are going to be using the SymPy classical mechanics package to solve some problems.
The nature of classical physics
Cellular automata
Cellular automata are physically motivated models of computation. They are systems with a translationally invariant state-space and a stroboscopic time-evolution.
Is there a physically universal cellular automaton or Hamiltonian?
Does universal controllability of physical systems prohibit thermodynamic cycles?
Systems of more than one particle
No slides/white board lectures
The principle of least action
- additional materials: Feynman lectures on the principle of least action
Symmetries and conservation laws
Hamiltonian mechanics and time-translation invariance
Phase space fluid and the Gibbs-Lioville theorem
Poisson brackets, angular momentum, and symmetries
I cover quantum mechanics in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, quantum circuits, and quantum algorithms in the course Quantum computing.
Here I want to explain the transition from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics.
I am using the book Quantum mechanics : the theoretical minimum by Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman. I will also use other materials.