Releases: scikit-learn-contrib/MAPIE
Releases · scikit-learn-contrib/MAPIE
What's Changed 👀
- Fix issue #512
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...test/switch_to_pyproject_release
Contributors 🙌🏻
Warm thanks to all contributors involved!
- [NEW] @C-BdB
- @Valentin-Laurent
v1.0.0 coming soon 👀
The v1 branch is rebased regularly, so the commit hash linked to the v1.0.0-alpha1 tag doesn't exist. The relevant v1.0.0-alpha1 commit has message "Bump version: 0.9.2 → 1.0.0-alpha1".
Note: we're not using bump2version
for alpha versioning.
What's Changed 👀
- Fix issue 525 in contribution guidelines with syntax errors in hyperlinks and other formatting issues.
- Fix issue 495 to center correctly the prediction intervals
- Fix issue 528 to correct broken ENS image in the documentation
- Fix issue 548 to correct labels generated in tutorial
- Fix issue 547 to fix wrong warning
- Fix issue 480 (correct display of mathematical equations in generated notebooks)
- Temporary solution waiting for issue 588 to be fixed (optimize_beta not working)
- Remove several irrelevant user warnings
- Limit max sklearn version allowed at MAPIE installation
- Refactor MapieRegressor, EnsembleRegressor, and MapieQuantileRegressor, to prepare for the release of v1.0.0
- Documentation build: fix warnings, fix image generation, update sklearn version requirement
- Documentation test: add a doc testing step (in MAKEFILE and CI)
- Increase max line length from 79 to 88 characters
- Bump wheel version
- Other minor evolutions
Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2
Contributors 🙌🏻
Warm thanks to all contributors involved!
- [NEW] @Leo-GG
- [NEW] @jawharmohammed
- [NEW] @sulphatet
- [NEW] @Valentin-Laurent
- @jawadhussein462
- @thibaultcordier
- @vincentblot28
- @LacombeLouis
What's Changed
- 238 giving a fraction of samples instead of a number of samples in the subsample class by @BaptisteCalot in #464
- Change the sign in the equation of C_k in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test documentation by @BaptisteCalot in #470
- Unit tests for different subsamples by @BaptisteCalot in #468
- Building of Ensemble Classifier from MapieClassifier by @BaptisteCalot in #445
- ENH: externalize MapieClassifier methods into several non-conformity scores by @thibaultcordier in #476
- Update Github links that point to files in Mapie files by @BaptisteCalot in #486
- 473 replace assert nparray equal by nptestingassert array equal in all mapie unit tests by @BaptisteCalot in #485
- Update ts-changepoint-notebook by @BaptisteCalot in #487
- Import in the ts-changepoint notebook related to conformity scores is incorrect by @BaptisteCalot in #498
- Use the existing tutorial on ts changepoint to align the notebook by @BaptisteCalot in #490
- Add : **predict_params in fit and predict method for Mapie Regression by @BaptisteCalot in #471
- 493 add mondrian cp by @vincentblot28 in #504
- Add : **predict_params in fit and predict method for Mapie Classifier by @BaptisteCalot in #502
- chore: Refactor train-test split in by @LacombeLouis in #482
- Refactor citation link in README.rst by @LacombeLouis in #509
Full Changelog: v0.8.6...v0.9.0
What's Changed
- Updating sphinx version by @LacombeLouis in #466
- FIX bug #462: Decoupling infinite interval production, asymmetric conformal scores and quantile calculation by @thibaultcordier in #463
Full Changelog: v0.8.5...v0.8.6
What's Changed
- FIX worklow issue with macos-python3.11 by @BaptisteCalot in #429
- chore: update miniconda version to latest stable by @LacombeLouis in #440
- FIX: Put lower threshold for difference by @LacombeLouis in #433
- FIX: change emails by @LacombeLouis in #436
- 425 readme page broken by @LacombeLouis in #435
- ENH: move get_true_label_position to utils in classification by @BaptisteCalot in #427
- chore: Update urllib to requests for downloading data by @LacombeLouis in #446
- 400 create citations using GitHub by @LacombeLouis in #442
- 249 clarification of the symmetry argument in cqr and more general documentation about cqr by @LacombeLouis in #443
- 415 documentation for winkler interval score by @LacombeLouis in #444
- Switch from the bostom dataset to the toy dataset by @thibaultcordier in #461
- FIX bug #452: Quantile Correction by @thibaultcordier in #453
Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.8.4
Full Changelog: v0.8.4...v0.8.5
Version 0.8.3
What's Changed
- Add fit parameters passing by @sami-ka in #391
- Fix: corrected some spelling errors by @isaiahthedev in #401
- Fix: corrected spelling throughout doc #402 by @isaiahthedev in #404
- Allow
to use K-fold iterator variants with stratification and groups. by @pidefrem in #393 - 410 mapiequantileregressor predict method causing memoryerror by @LacombeLouis in #412
- Added regression_MWI_score function by @Carl-McBride-Ellis in #408
- Update authors' email addresses by @LacombeLouis in #419
- Fix import order in Python files by @LacombeLouis in #420
- FIX: update history file by @LacombeLouis in #422
New Contributors
- @sami-ka made their first contribution in #391
- @isaiahthedev made their first contribution in #401
- @pidefrem made their first contribution in #393
- @Carl-McBride-Ellis made their first contribution in #408
Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.8.3
Bug fix for 0.8.0
What's Changed
- Fix issue with the pandas import by @thibaultcordier in #396
- Update mypy version to 1.7.1 by @LacombeLouis in #399
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.2