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Saving/reading .h5ad file results in altered adata.uns['log1p'] #2181

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oligomyeggo opened this issue Mar 17, 2022 · 8 comments · Fixed by #2546
2 of 3 tasks

Saving/reading .h5ad file results in altered adata.uns['log1p'] #2181

oligomyeggo opened this issue Mar 17, 2022 · 8 comments · Fixed by #2546


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  • I have checked that this issue has not already been reported.
  • I have confirmed this bug exists on the latest version of scanpy.
  • (optional) I have confirmed this bug exists on the master branch of scanpy.

Hello. I noticed an issue when trying to run tl.rank_genes_groups, which was the result of adata.uns['log1p'] being blank (i.e., an empty dictionary, {}). I have gone through my workflow and confirmed that adata.uns['log1p'] is the expected {'base': None} after each preprocessing step, so I don't think the issue is with any of preprocessing code. However, when I save my adata object to a .h5ad file using the .write() function and then read my .h5ad file using the function, when I check adata.uns['log1p'] it is an empty dictionary - so maybe the issue is either in the writing or reading function? I am able to manually set adata.uns['log1p'] to {'base': None} after reading the file, and can then run downstream functions like tl.rank_genes_groups without issue. I have not had this problem previously when reading .h5ad files (into either the same Jupyter notebook or into a new Jupyter notebook). Since I can manually set adata.uns['log1p'] to {'base': None}, I don't think this issue is pressing. It's just a little strange to me. Thank you for any help/advice!

Note: Please read this guide detailing how to provide the necessary information for us to reproduce your bug.

Minimal code sample (that we can copy&paste without having any data)

This can all be run in one Jupyter notebook and should produce the issue (unless it's something exclusively on my end; I've been able to reproduce the error with my own data and one of the scanpy built-in test datasets). Sorry the code chunks are broken up/a little long; I am using the scran normalization approach outlined in the single cell tutorial.

adata = sc.datasets.pbmc3k()
sc.pp.filter_genes(adata, min_cells = 1)

# scran normalization
adata_pp = adata.copy()
sc.pp.normalize_per_cell(adata_pp, counts_per_cell_after = 1e6)
sc.pp.pca(adata_pp, n_comps = 15)
sc.pp.neighbors(adata_pp), key_added = 'groups', resolution = 0.5)
input_groups = adata_pp.obs['groups']
data_mat = adata.X.T
%%R -i data_mat -i input_groups -o size_factors
size_factors = sizeFactors(computeSumFactors(SingleCellExperiment(list(counts = data_mat)), 
                                             clusters = input_groups, 
                                             min.mean = 0.1))
del adata_pp
adata.obs['size_factors'] = size_factors
adata.layers['counts'] = adata.X.copy()
adata.X /= adata.obs['size_factors'].values[:,None]
adata.X = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(adata.X)
adata.raw = adata

sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(adata, flavor = 'cell_ranger', n_top_genes = 2000)
sc.pp.pca(adata, n_comps = 50, use_highly_variable = True, svd_solver = 'arpack')
adata.uns['log1p'] # this produces: {'base': None}

adata ='test.h5ad')
adata.uns['log1p'] # the now produces: {}, key_added='leiden_r1.0'), groupby='leiden_r1.0', key_added='rank_genes_all', method='wilcoxon') # this causes an error
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [13], in <cell line: 2>()
      1 # Calculate marker genes
----> 2, groupby='leiden_r1.0', key_added='rank_genes_all', method='wilcoxon', use_raw=False)

File /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/scanpy/tools/, in rank_genes_groups(adata, groupby, use_raw, groups, reference, n_genes, rankby_abs, pts, key_added, copy, method, corr_method, tie_correct, layer, **kwds)
    580 adata.uns[key_added] = {}
    581 adata.uns[key_added]['params'] = dict(
    582     groupby=groupby,
    583     reference=reference,
    587     corr_method=corr_method,
    588 )
--> 590 test_obj = _RankGenes(adata, groups_order, groupby, reference, use_raw, layer, pts)
    592 if check_nonnegative_integers(test_obj.X) and method != 'logreg':
    593     logg.warning(
    594         "It seems you use rank_genes_groups on the raw count data. "
    595         "Please logarithmize your data before calling rank_genes_groups."
    596     )

File /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/scanpy/tools/, in _RankGenes.__init__(self, adata, groups, groupby, reference, use_raw, layer, comp_pts)
     82 def __init__(
     83     self,
     84     adata,
     90     comp_pts=False,
     91 ):
---> 93     if 'log1p' in adata.uns_keys() and adata.uns['log1p']['base'] is not None:
     94         self.expm1_func = lambda x: np.expm1(x * np.log(adata.uns['log1p']['base']))
     95     else:

KeyError: 'base'


anndata 0.8.0rc1
scanpy 1.8.2
sinfo 0.3.4

PIL 9.0.1
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mpl_toolkits NA
natsort 8.1.0
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packaging 21.3
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parso 0.8.3
pexpect 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
pkg_resources NA
prompt_toolkit 3.0.28
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pure_eval 0.2.2
pycparser 2.21
pydev_ipython NA
pydevconsole NA
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pydevd_concurrency_analyser NA
pydevd_file_utils NA
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pyparsing 3.0.7
pytz 2021.3
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rpy2 3.4.2
scipy 1.8.0
scrublet NA
seaborn 0.11.2
sitecustomize NA
six 1.14.0
skimage 0.19.2
sklearn 1.0.2
stack_data 0.2.0
statsmodels 0.13.2
tables 3.7.0
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threadpoolctl 3.1.0
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tqdm 4.63.0
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typing_extensions NA
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IPython 8.1.1
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jupyterlab 3.3.1
notebook 6.4.8

Python 3.8.10 (default, Nov 26 2021, 20:14:08) [GCC 9.3.0]
8 logical CPU cores, x86_64

Session information updated at 2022-03-17 17:22

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ghost commented Mar 25, 2022

Have the same, changing anndata to 0.7.8 version helps;

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Could someone please tell me how I can save a h5ad file from a Jupyter Notebook that I've made some modifications with another name and in the same path as before?

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Gbighe commented Jun 25, 2022

I found the answer to this question in another Q&A, please refer to

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Got this on scanpy 1.9.1, did what #2239 suggested, as a temporary workaround

adata.uns['log1p']["base"] = None

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It looks like the adata.uns['log1p']["base"] = None is lost at the next reading.

Using an h5ad data set saved in result_file, the following happens:

adata = sc.read_h5ad(results_file)
adata.uns['log1p']['base'] is None
#KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
#/home/sebastien/workshop_scRNA-Seq_UCLA/ in line 2
#      [153](file:///home/sebastien/workshop_scRNA-Seq_UCLA/ adata =
#----> [154](file:///home/sebastien/workshop_scRNA-Seq_UCLA/ adata.uns['log1p']['base'] is None

#KeyError: 'base'

adata.uns['log1p']["base"] = None # see
adata.uns['log1p']['base'] is None
# now returns True

adata.uns['log1p']['base'] is None
# still returns True

adata = sc.read_h5ad(results_file) # same with adata =
adata.uns['log1p']['base'] is None
#KeyError: 'base'

This was with sc.__version__ 1.9.1

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hl-xue commented Jan 24, 2023

Hello, for information: I encountered the same problem with scanpy=1.9.1 either with anndata=0.8.0 or 0.7.8 or 0.7.6.

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I found it useful by calling
again before the function that returns the keyerror:base

For example, in the PBMC3K tutorial, calling this function again before step 43: Comparing to a single cluster.
sc.pp.log1p(adata), 'leiden', groups=['0'], reference='1', method='wilcoxon'), groups=['0'], n_genes=20)

I am new to scanpy so I do not know what exactly is going on here so all I can say is "for some reason" the code works this way

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The log1p→base thing was fixed in #2546

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