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nn_tilde adaptation for SuperCollider


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nn_tilde adaptation for SuperCollider: load torchscripts for real-time audio processing.


It has most features of nn_tilde:

  • interface for any available model method (e.g. forward, encode, decode)

  • interface for setting model attributes (and a debug interface to print their values when setting them)

  • processes real-time at different buffer sizes, on separate threads

  • loads models asynchronously on scsynth

  • tested so far only with RAVE (v1 and v2) and msprior models

  • tested so far only on CPU, on linux, windows and mac.


Download a pre-built release

  • Download the latest release for your OS on the Releases page.
  • Extract the archive and copy the folder to your SuperCollider Extensions folder

Note for mac users: binaries are not signed, so you need to run the following in SuperCollider to bypass macos security complaints:

runInTerminal("xattr -d -r" + shellQuote(Platform.userExtensionDir +/+ ""))

Failing to do so can produce errors like:

"libc10.dylib" is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin.

Note for windows users: you need to copy some DLLs to the folder where you have scsynth.exe.

  1. Inside folder you downloaded, there is a folder called ignore. Copy all the files inside this folder.
  2. Find the folder where you have scsynth.exe, it's usually something like: C:\Program Files\SuperCollider3.x.x\ (where 3.x.x is the version you have installed).
  3. Paste all the .dll files you got in step 1 to the folder where scsynth.exe is.


Pre-trained models is just an interface to load and play with pre-trained models, but doesn't include any. To begin with, you can find some published pre-trained RAVE models for real-time neural synthesis:

Loading a model

The following examples assumes you have a pre-trained model saved at "~/Documents/Percussion.ts":

// Example:
// 1. load
s.waitForBoot {
    // when in a Routine, this method waits until the model has loaded
    NN.load(\ravePerc, "~/Documents/Percussion.ts");
    // when model has loaded, print a description of all methods and attributes

Selecting a method

Available methods are depending on the specific model you're using. RAVE models typically have three methods:

  • forward: for audio-to-audio resynthesis
  • encode: to encode live audio to latent values
  • decode: to decode latent values to audio
// list all available methods of a pre-trained model
// -> NNModelMethod(forward: 1 ins, 1 outs), NNModelMethod(encode: 1 ins, 8 outs), ...

// 1. resynthesis using \forward method
{ NN(\ravePerc, \forward).ar( }.play;

// 2. latent modulation using \encode and \decode
    var in, latent, modLatent, prior;
    // encode sound input to RAVE latent space
    latent = NN(\ravePerc, \encode).ar(;
    // add a random modulation to every dimension
    modLatent = latent.collect { |l|
        l +, 30)).range(-0.5, 0.5)
    // resynthesize modulated latents
    NN(\ravePerc, \decode).ar(modLatent);

// 3. manual latent navigation using only \decode
// here we assume ravePerc has 8 latent dimensions
Ndef(\rave) { NN(\ravePerc, \decode).ar(\!8)) }.play;
// set all latents
Ndef(\rave).set(\latents, [0.75, 0.1, 1.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 1.2, 0.33])
// set any latent programmatically
Ndef(\rave).set(\latents, 2, 0.5);
// simple GUI with sliders:
var win = View(bounds:800@200);
var sliders = 8.collect {|i| 
	.action_{ |sl| Ndef(\rave).seti(\latents, i, sl.value) }
// using the NodeProxyGui2 Quark, you automatically get the sliders you need:
// find it at

Using attributes

Some models have custom attributes, to further condition their behavior. Which attribute and which behavior depends on the specific model. supports setting and getting attribute values per-UGen, using the attribute argument:

// list model supported attributes
// -> [ listen, temperature, learn_context, reset ]

// attributes can be set only per-UGen, using the 'attributes' argument
    var in, latent, modLatent, prior, resynth;

    in =;
    latent = NN(\rave, \encode).ar(in, 2048);
    modLatent = latent.collect { |l|
        l +, 30)).range(-0.5, 0.5)
    prior = NN(\msprior, \forward).ar(latent, 2048
        // attributes are set when their value changes
        attributes: [
            // here we use latch to limit the setting rate to once per second
            temperature:, 2),
        debug: 1 // print attribute values when setting them
    NN(\rave, \decode).ar(prior.drop(-1), 2048);

Buffer configuration

Like nn_tilde, uses an internal circular buffer and runs neural network processing in a separate thread. The second argument of NN(...).ar controls this buffer's size, with 0 resulting in no buffering and no separate thread:

// large buffer
{ NN(\ravePerc, \forward).ar(, 8192) }.play;
// no buffer
{ NN(\ravePerc, \forward).ar(, 0) }.play;


When supplying multiple inputs, will process them using the same model, with batch processing.

// resynthesize three sine waves using three separate copies of the same model:
{[100,200,300]).collect { |in| NN(\ravePerc, \forward).ar(in) } }.play

// with multi-channel: use a single model to resynthesize three inputs at the same time: 
{ NN(\ravePerc, \forward).ar([100,200,300])) }.play

// example 2: pseudo-stereo: 
// - add 2 different noise vectors to the same latents
// - decode 2 slightly different channels, using a single model
    var latents = NN(\ravePerc, \encode).ar(;
    // latent size is 8
    var noiseVectors = 2.collect {, 0.1)}!latents.size }; 
    // noiseVectors shape is [2, 8]
    var modLatents = noiseVectors.collect { |noise| latents + noise };
    // modLatents shape is [2, 8]
    var out = NN(\ravePerc, \decode).ar(modLatents)
    // out shape is [2]

Note that attributes don't cause multichannel expansion, precisely because we are loading a single model, that can only have one set of attributes.

Building from source

If you compile SuperCollider from source, or if you want to enable optimizations specific to your machine, you need to build this extension yourself.

Build requirements:

  • CMake >= 3.5
  • libtorch
  • SuperCollider source code: at least version 3.13 (see the note below if you need to build with an earlier sc version)

Clone the project:

git clone
cd nn-supercollider
mkdir build
cd build

Then, use CMake to configure:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Libtorch is found automatically if installed system-wise. If you followed the official install instruction for libtorch (link above), you need to add it to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PAH=/path/to/libtorch/

It's expected that the SuperCollider repo is cloned at ../supercollider relative to this repo. If it's not: add the option -DSC_PATH=/path/to/sc/source.

cmake .. -DSC_PATH=/path/to/sc/source

You may want to manually specify the install location in the first step to point it at your SuperCollider extensions directory: add the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/extensions. Note that you can retrieve the Extension path from sclang with Platform.userExtensionDir

cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/extensions

To enable platform-specific optimizations:

cmake .. -DNATIVE=ON

Finally, use CMake to build the project:

cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --config Release --target install

Note: for building with any supercollider version earlier than 3.13: needs a macro called ClearUnitOnMemFailed, which was defined in supercollider starting from version 3.13. If for any reason you need to build with a previous version of supercollider, you have to copy these two macros and put them in NNModel.cpp.


The usual regenerate command was disabled because CmakeLists.txt needed to be manually edited to include libtorch.


Buffering and external threads Most nn operation, from loading to processing, are resource intensive and can block the DSP chain. In order to alleviate this, but costing extra latency, we adopted the same buffering method as nn_tilde. When buffering is enabled (by default if not on an NRT server), model loading, processing and parameter setting are done asynchronously on an external thread. The only issue still present with this approach is that we have to wait for the thread to finish before we can destroy the UGen. This currently blocks the DSP chain when the UGen is destroyed.

Model and description loading For processing purposes, models are loaded by NNUGen. This is because each processing UGen needs a separate instance of the model, since multiple inferences on the same model are not guaranteed not to interfere with each other. So now models are loaded and destroyed with the respective UGen, similarly to what happens in MaxMSP and PureData. However, since we couldn't find in SuperCollider a convenient method to send messages to single UGens, we opted for loading model descriptions separately, so that paths and attribute names could be referenced as integer indexes.

  1. NN.load loads the model on scsynth and save its description in a global store, via a PlugIn cmd. Once a model is loaded, informations about which methods and attributes it offers are cached and optionally communicated to sclang. In lack of a better way to send a complex reply to the client, scsynth will write model informations to a yaml file, which the client can then read.
  2. When creating an UGen, a model, its method and attribute names are referenced by their integer index
  3. The UGen then loads its own independent instance of the model, at construction time, or in an external thread if buffering is enabled
  4. When the UGen is destroyed, its model is unloaded as well.

Attributes Since each UGen has its own independent instance of a model, attribute setting is only supported at the UGen level. Currently, attributes are updated each time their value changes, and we suggest to use systems like Latch to limit the setting rate (see example above).

Latency considerations (RAVE)

RAVE models can exhibit an important latency, from various sources. Here is what I found:

tl;dr: if latency is important, consider training with --config causal.

  • first obvious source of latency is buffering: we fill a bufferSize of data before passing it to the model. With most of my rave v2 models, this is 2048/44100 = ~46ms.
  • then processing latency: on my 2048/44100 rave v2 models, on my i5 machine from 2016, this is between 15 and 30ms. That is very often bigger than 1024/44100 (~24ms, my usual hardware block size), so I have to use the external thread all the time to avoid pops.
  • rave intrinsic latency: cached convolutions introduce delay. From the paper Streamable Neural Audio Synthesis With Non-Causal Convolutions, this can be about 650ms, making up for most of the latency on my system. Consider using models trained with --config causal, which reduces this latency to about 5ms, at the cost of a "small but consistent loss of accuracy".
  • transferring inputs to an external thread doesn't contribute significantly to latency (I've measured delays in the order of 0.1ms)


nn_tilde adaptation for SuperCollider







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  • C++ 69.2%
  • CMake 15.8%
  • SuperCollider 15.0%