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Simple, fast, and secure micro ORM for .NET.

TinyORM by Stan Drapkin [sdrapkin at sdprime dot com]


  1. Focused on SQL Server (any SqlClient-based db engine).
  2. Intuitive, tiny, simple API. This is usually the hardest part for libraries to get right.
  3. Does not obscure or reinvent T-SQL. If you prefer APIs that hide T-SQL incompetence, look elsewhere.
  4. Very fast. As fast as competition (Dapper, OrmLite, LLBLGen, EF Core, etc. benchmarks).
  5. Seamlessly transactional and safe. Transactions are not merely supported - they are the default.
    • XACT_ABORT=ON (automatic transaction rollback on runtime T-SQL errors).
    • Custom transaction scopes are declared via standard TransactionScope instance (created via TinyORM.DbContext.CreateTransactionScope() factory).
  6. Transparent connection management. One less thing to worry about and screw up. Never think about connections again.
  7. Task-based async API (ie. the API). All calls are buffered (focus on safety and fast connection release).
  8. POCOs or anonymous objects are fine. No inheritance, interface, or attribute requirements.
  9. Returns dynamic entities which can be consumed directly, or projected to statically-typed objects (fast!).
    • Either strict (perfect-match) or relaxed (best-effort) projection of dynamic to statically-typed objects.
  10. Full parameterization, with parameter list expansion (ex. WHERE Id IN (@IdList)). This also helps prevent SQL injection.
    • CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR, NVARCHAR support for string parameters.
  11. Single or multiple Result Sets.
  12. Snapshots provide change-tracking, with UPDATE T-SQL generation for partial updates.
  13. Intelligent batched *bulk* command sequences via QueryBatch (not just for INSERT - for all CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE commands).
  14. Streaming data-out support (ex. streaming out BLOBs/files).
  15. Auditing
    • Caller identity tracking (which user made the call?).
    • Callsite tracking (which source code filename, method, and line# made the call?).
  16. Helpers for CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, and UPSERT T-SQL generation.
  17. SequentialGuid generator for fragmentation-free, unique, unguessable, code-generated clustered uniqueidentifier indexes.
  18. c# 10.0 in safe mode. Compiled any cpu for .NET 4.5.2+.
  19. Tiny codebase. Tiny ~45k .dll.
  20. TinyORM on NuGet (Install-Package TinyORM).
  21. MS-PL (Microsoft Public) license. If MS-PL does not suit you, contact me.

If you are serious about SQL Server, give TinyORM a try (even if you're a Dapper fan).

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