Pytorch version of the repo Deep3DFaceReconstruction.
This repo only contains the reconstruction part, so you can use Deep3DFaceReconstruction-pytorch repo to train the network. And the pretrained model is also from this repo.
I use mtcnn to crop raw images and detect 5 landmarks. The most code of MTCNN comes from FaceNet-pytorch.
In this repo, I use PyTorch3d 0.3.0 to render the reconstructed images.
In the origin repo (Deep3DFaceReconstruction-pytorch), the rendered images is not the same as the input image because of preprocess
. So, I add the estimate_intrinsic
to get intrinsic parameters.
Here are some examples:
Origin Images | Cropped Images | Rendered Images |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
├─BFM same as Deep3DFaceReconstruction
├─dataset storing the corpped images
│ └─Vladimir_Putin
├─examples show examples
├─facebank storing the raw/origin images
│ └─Vladimir_Putin
├─models storing the pretrained models
├─output storing the output images(.mat, .png)
│ └─Vladimir_Putin
└─preprocess cropping images and detecting landmarks
├─data storing the models of mtcnn
Also, this repo can also generate the UV map, and you need download UV coordinates from the following link:
Download UV coordinates fom STN website:
Copy BFM_UV.mat to BFM
The pretrained models can be downloaded from Google Drive.