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SeaMusic API

✍️ About

This is the SeaMusic API source code

🛠️ Build and run commands

Make sure you have docker, docker-compose, make and uv installed.

You'll need to specify for argument with some commands. for can have 3 values: dev, prod and test depending on app build purpose.

Building a docker container (for required)

make build

Starting an app (for required)

make start

Starting the app in background mode (for required)

make up

Stopping the app (for required)

make stop

Deleting the docker container (for required)

make stop

Linting the project

make lint

Running tests

make test

Creating a virtual environment locally

make install

Creating an alembic revision

make revision

Running the revision

make upgrade revision=<revision identificator>

Downgrading the revision

make downgrade revision=<revision identificator>

🤝 Contributing

The project is closed for open-source contributions

📜 License

Check our license