The karate kid kickstart is an intense, almost entirely self learnt, karate kid style (wash in, wash out) 13 steps program for front end developers where the trainee has to write the same app over and over from scratch. Starting from the most simple vanilla JS through writing a simple server with a DB, learning about webpack, flex css, localstorage, cookies, https, jwt, tests, react and much more.
The trainee also learns how to deploy their app to production via a standalone service (heroku for example).
The final project is a fully deployed TDD written app on top of yoshi, WSR and wix ci.
- You should fork this repo into a private repo and start working on the steps. The folder structure should look something like this: folder structure
- All commits should be done as a PR. This is important so the mentor can do code review even after the fact (after a PR was merged so it won't block the trainee)
- After each step is completed the mentor should do the most comperhensive and harsh code review they can possibly do. The success of this program is mostly relies on good and teaching code reviews.
- After each code review the trainee is expected to fix all comments.
- You should advance to the next step only after all the code review rejects has been fixed. In case the trainee is blocked by the mentor they should fill their time by learning and gaining more knowledge either by reading / watching videos / practicing katas / etc.. ideas can be found here
- Follow this guide
- Git - Verify that you have access to:
- Node
- Home-brew
- IDE vscode
- Oh my zsh
- Iterm2
- Access to wix's vpn
Before we begin the actual training, we should take 1-2 days exploring wix and what it has to offer. The idea behind the "book report" is to get to know wix as a product. Once you will start your day to day work you will probably focus on a specific area/product inside of wix. Take this time to explore.
Here are some products you can/should play with:
- Stores
- App market
- Events
- Bookings
- Automations
- Invoices
- Forms
- Chat
- Contacts
- Velo project - find a small project that will help you in your life and implement it using velo. For example, here's a website that shows the parking lots status in TLV's old north neighborhood (if you want to change the parking lot that it shows u can add
param and specify the parking lot that u want)
"A code-free introduction to Wix Content Manager"
Coding games and Katas:
- An online programing game (I didn't do that.. if u do plz let me know how was it)
- read everythign u can in mdn****
If you're into videos, you can and should subscribe to some of these youtube channels. Just look for an interesting talk and watch as you learn:
- How the event loop works A must watch for any FED
- Sergey's "Must watch list"
- JS Conf (probably the biggest js conf)
- Nice dude that explains design patterns and features in a fun way. link
- React Europe
Your first task will be to write a simple todo app. For now it will be client only. You can only use html, vanilla js and css (no other lib like react/angular/lodash/jquery are allowed).
The app should support:
- Adding a new todo item
- Editing an existing todo item
- Deleting a todo item
- Showing the list of all todo items
- Mark a todo item as done.
To achieve it you will need to learn:
- Flex layout in css
- what is the dom (document object model)
- js dom manipulation
- html syntax
You can find a lot of information about each of these items. Remember to always read the manual on the mdn site (Mozilla developer network) and not w3c school.
Videos that I want you to watch in this step:
To learn:
- Webpack
- Build your own Webpack
- Localstorage
- Cookies
- Localstorage vs cookies
- What are the differences between LS and cookies
- When should we use LS and when should we use cookies
- What are the different types of cookies
- Bind
- Hoisting
With the mentor
- Bind exercise
- Hoisting exercise - TBD
- Use localstorage to save the todos - refresh should not lose the todos
- Use webpack as your bundler
To learn:
- Semver - read all about it
- Source map loader vs devtool
- Chrome debugger
- Prototype (read about prototypical inheritance)
- Add source maps to your project
- Change css to be jss (css inside js)
With the mentor:
Learn about:
- Http protocol
- 1 way communication
- http methods
- Https
- Learn what is private/public key (RSA)
- Web socket protocol
- Server + express
- Learn about express library
- Fetch API
- Read this blogpost
Write the todo app again, this time with a server. The server should hold the todos in its memory (no need for localstorage). Use webpack, XHR Use axios,
Step 5 (Deadline - DD/MM) - Look mommy I’ve written an actual piece of software you can actually use!
- Install "edit this cookie" extension
- Make it a server for “everyone” (cookies and userIds, HTTP cookie)
- Push to heroku
- Use free redis add-on, Mongo atlas or any other db preference
To learn:
- Typescript
- Typescript everything from scratch
To learn:
- Signed vs Encrypted
- Symmetric vs asymmetric encryption
- Using asymmetric to exchange symmetric keys
- Read about pros & cons of symmetric vs asymmetric
In this step you can use the app from the previous step.
- replace your cookie with a JWT cookie
- login/logout - design in a sequence diagram (learn about sequence diagram as well if you don’t know what this is)
To learn:
- React - do the getting started tutorial (only in case you don't know react)
- Learn about hooks
Todo: Write the todo app from scratch using typescript and react. You can re-use your server from previous steps.
To learn: Watch uncle bob TDD episode 6 part 1+2 link
- Write everything from scratch using TDD
- React tests using jest
- React-testing-library
- At least 1 e2e test using puppeteer (blackbox)
To learn: Now that you know react a little bit lets learn how it works under the hood:
- Build your own react
- Video -
- Blogpost -
- redux
- Mobx / mobx state tree
- Providers and context using hooks
With the mentor: Do we providers/contexts them when we have hooks?
- npx create-yoshi-app todo
- WSR - The new UI order
- Push your app to wix’s production environment