A Supervised Machine Learning model that gives prediction for the percentage of marks a student will secure given the number of hours they have studied.
An overview on how machine learnig algorithims could be effectively implemented in creating a simple Linear Regression models that is capable of making some basic predictions.
Loading libraries and data is always the first step,
data url:"http://bit.ly/w-data"
To see if there exist any pattern between the number of hours studied and the marks obtained a graphical evaluation approach is adopted.
Once the correlation study and visualisation is carried out, it is further required to split the data into two parts: one part for training and the other part for testing.
A linear regression model is then called upon and is fed with the training data which trains the model.
After training the created model, it is finally ready to make predictions.
The predicted scores are then displayed along with the actual scores to get a glimpse of the model performance.
At this stage our trained machine learning model is asked to make prediction for a sample question- eg: What will be the predicted score if a student studies for 9.25 hrs in a day?
Towards the end, the model accuracy is tested by calculating Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean Square Error.
A machine learning model is acceptable if both the values of Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean Square Error are minimum.