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Releases: seb26/mhl-compare


24 Mar 23:47
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  • Now able to interpret simple lists of checksums (i.e. .md5 and .xxhash files) which are produced by some programs
  • When working on only one MHL file, show the user a summary of the contents and count the files and total size of it
  • Sizes are now shown in decimal (1 KB = 1,000 bytes) by default which is more relevant to macOS users, but binary can be shown instead with -b or --binary
  • Dates & related attributes are no longer shown, but can be toggled on with -d or --dates


  • Security fix, insist on using latest version of PyInstaller
  • Documentation improvements
  • Removal of "install.command" as the installation technique, instead including basic instructions on how to install the binary to /usr/local/bin


29 Mar 15:04
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  • Under-the-hood processing has been improved (see pull request #6)
  • Added detection for duplicates. If two files have the same hash, it will be reported as such.


23 Mar 16:26
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Production-ready! You can now use this in the field.

Download in the links below.

Be sure to let me know on GitHub or by email if you run across any strange errors while working with your own MHL files.


  • Now offered as a binary that can run on any macOS installation.
  • When run with --info, the list of files are now sorted alphabetically by filepath
  • Cleaner & clearer output, with bold filenames and less whitespace and horizontal line separations
  • MHL files that are completely & utterly different will now give a message describing that


  • Where only one half of possible delta comparisons showed up
  • ASCII colour characters appearing in the output when redirected using > to a file
  • Where bytes would appear redundantly as 178 Bytes (178 bytes)
  • Where an MHL file with only one <hash> would cause an error and not allow a comparison for that file
  • Where an MHL file with no <hash>es at all would give a generic error. Now tells the user that that MHL file is empty


20 Mar 21:17
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v0.1 Pre-release
  • First release of the program, in a good state
  • Still needs testing for exceptions, MHL files that are formatted differently, and for other operating systems