In this repository we are storing configuration files we use for setting up Pangeo on EOSC.
Are you a user who wants to get access to pangeo-eosc
Please check the getting started for users.
Would you like to deploy the Pangeo stack using services from the European Open Science Cloud? Please check the getting started for providers.
- IGARSS 2024: Earthly marvels revealed: Pangeo, AI, and Copernicus in action.
- GEO-OPEN-HACK-2024: Big Geospatial Data Hackathon with Open Infrastructure and Tools. See also the dedicated repository with training material.
- Digital Scholarship Days 2024: Unlocking the Power of EOSC: Navigating Services for Research Visibility and Impact - The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in a nutshell. Jan. 12, 2024 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the university of Oslo, Norway.
- FOSS4G 2022: Pangeo Training event
- Pangeo 101 Tutorial for CLIVAR CMIP6 Bootcamp 2022
- eScience 2022 course on Tools in Climate Science: Linking Observations with Modelling
You will find below a list of publications & conferences that made use of EOSC Pangeo resources and/or promoting Pangeo EOSC deployments:
- Kmoch, A., Bovy, B., Magin, J., Abernathey, R., Strobl, P., Coca-Castro, A., Fouilloux, A., Loos, D., and Odaka, T.: XDGGS: Xarray Extension for Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15416,, 2024.
- Wiesmann, D., Odaka, T., Fouilloux, A., Autret, E., Woillez, M., and Ragan-Kelley, B.: Harnessing the Pangeo ecosystem for delivering the cloud-based Global Fish Tracking System, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10741,, 2024.
- Fouilloux, A.: How EOSC became our best ally?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3441,, 2024.
- Stöckl, V., Grüning, B., Fouilloux, A., Iaquinta, J., and Coca-Castro, A.: Implementation of a reproducible pipeline for producing seasonal Arctic sea ice forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8343,, 2024.
- Anne Fouilloux. (2024). annefou/DSD_FAIR: version 1.0.0 Workshop delivered at the Digital Scholarship Days 2024 (v1.0.0). Zenodo.
- Anne Fouilloux, & Jean Iaquinta. (2024). annefou/DSD_EOSC: version 1.0.0 Workshop delivered at the Digital Scholarship Days 2024 (v1.0.0). Zenodo.
- Duffey, A., Mallet, R., Steckling, J., Hermant, A., Dutch, V., Day, J., and Pithan, F.: Stability of the winter-time Arctic Ocean boundary layer in CMIP6 climate models evaluated against Soviet drifting stations, SHEBA and MOSAiC observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16224,, 2023;
- Köhler, R., Athanase, M., Levine, X., Williams, R., and Heuzé, C.: Fates of the Beaufort Gyre: Location, Extent and Strength , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7889,, 2023;
- Chatterjee, S., Selivanova, J., Semmler, T., and Screen, J. A.: Ocean response to reduced Arctic sea ice in PAMIP simulations., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4822,, 2023
- Fouilloux, A., Marasco, P. L., Odaka, T., Mottram, R., Zieger, P., Schulz, M., Coca-Castro, A., Iaquinta, J., and Eynard Bontemps, G.: Pangeo framework for training: experience with FOSS4G, the CLIVAR bootcamp and the eScience course, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8756,, 2023;
- Eynard-Bontemps, G., Iaquinta, J., Luna-Valero, S., Caballer, M., Paul, F., Fouilloux, A., Ragan-Kelley, B., Marasco, P. L., and Odaka, T.: Pangeo@EOSC: deployment of PANGEO ecosystem on the European Open Science Cloud, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9095,, 2023;
- Iaquinta, J. and Fouilloux, A.: Using FAIR and Open Science practices to better understand vegetation browning in Troms and Finnmark (Norway), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2579,, 2023;
- Coca-Castro, A., Fouilloux, A., Hosking, J. S., and community, E. D. S. B.: FAIR Notebooks: opportunities and challenges for the geoscience community, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13768,, 2023;
- Magin, J. and Odaka, T.: Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) for in-situ data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8096,, 2023
- Carval, T., Bodere, E., Meillon, J., Woillez, M., Le Roux, J. F., Magin, J., and Odaka, T.: Enabling simple access to a data lake both from HPC and Cloud using Kerchunk and Intake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17494,, 2023
- McDonald, A., Coca-Castro, A., Fouilloux, A., Ricardo, B. L., Hyde, A., & Rao, Y. (Douglas) . (2023, December 15). Implementing Reproducible Environmental Data Science with Open Science: Lessons from the 1st Climate Informatics Reproducibility Challenge. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023 (AGU23), San Francisco, USA. Zenodo.
- Fouilloux, A., & Kmoch, A. (2023, August 7). Pangeo - An open, inclusive, reproducible and scalable Geoscience data analytic community. Zenodo.
- Fouilloux, A., Coca-Castro, A., Cremer, F., Eynard Bontemps, G., Iaquinta, J., Luna-Valero, S., Caballer, M., Paul, F., Ragan-Kelley, B., & Odaka, T. (2023, May 16). Pangeo, a worldwide community-centric, open, collaborative, inclusive, reproducible and scalable big geoscience data analytic ecosystem. Zenodo.
- Anne Fouilloux, Tina Erica Odaka, Alejandro Coca-Castro, Sebastian Luna-Valero, Pier Lorenzo Marasco and Guillaume Eynard-Bontemps, PANGEO@EOSC: enabling Open, Reproducible, and scalable Big data geoscience for everyone, 2023.
- T. Odaka, A. Coca-Castro, P.L. Marasco, J.Iaquinta, A. Fouilloux, and G. Eynard-Bontemps: Pangeo 101: a community-centric, open, collaborative and scalable big geoscience data analytic platform, FOSS4G workshop, Florence,
, 23 August 2022.
- A. Fouilloux, A. Coca-Castro, P.L. Marasco, P. Strobl, T. Odaka and G. Eynard-Bontemps: Pangeo, an open, inclusive, reproducible and scalable EO data analytic platform, Oral presentation at Living Planet Symposium 2022,
, 25 May 2022 in Bonn, Germany.
- Anne Fouilloux, Alejandro Coca-Castro, Pier Lorenzo Marasco, Peter Strobl, Tina Odaka, Guillaume Eynard-Bontemps: Pangeo, an open source driven community for Big Data geoscience, Poster at Living Planet Symposium 2022,
, 23–27 May 2022 in Bonn, Germany.
- A. Fouilloux, A. Coca-Castro, P.L. Marasco, P. Strobl, T. Odaka and G. Eynard-Bontemps: Pangeo, An open, inclusive, reproducible and scalable Geoscience data analytic community, ICAS (International Computing in the Atmospheric Sciences Symposium),
, 11-15 September 2022;
Pangeo-EOSC has benefited from services and resources provided by the EGI-ACE project (funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101017567), and the C-SCALE project (funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101017529), with the dedicated support of CESNET.