Parts needed: Ad9833 Esp32 dev board Rotary encoder with button 8 digit 7 segment display (can be improved with a compatible 8 segment led matrix display)
Sweep from: start frequency to end frequency in x frequency steps with n time between steps.
Select Sine or triangle with Analog level or Digital level Square waveform output...
Rotary encoder Acceleration
Saves: Frequency Waveform Sweep Start Freq Sweep End Freq Sweep frequency steps Sweep steps delay
Easy to use
Compiling: PSRAM DISABLE or encoder wont work
hold the button half a second to enter the menu turn the knob to select or change the parameter click the button to enter or save and return click the rotary button 5 times to turn on the sweep click the rotary 3 times to change the wave form than click to confirm and save
Output: 5v digital 300mv analog