SRGridLocation provides a convenient way to convert between Swedish grid and GPS location coordinates.
Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SRGridLocation'
And run:
pod install
Manually copy the source files in the SRGridLocation directory into your project.
You can include SRGridLocation anywhere by adding the following line at the top of your source file:
#import <SRGridLocation/SRGridLocation.h>
Then, use the following methods to convert between coordinate types:
SRGridLocationCoordinate SRGridLocationCoordinateMake(SRGridLocationPosition x, SRGridLocationPosition y, SRGridLocationProjection projection)
SRGridLocationCoordinate SRGridLocationCoordinateFromCLLocationCoordinate2D(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, SRGridLocationProjection projection)
CLLocationCoordinate2D CLLocationCoordinate2DFromSRGridLocationCoordinate(SRGridLocationCoordinate coordinate)
There is also a convenience category for CLLocation to create one based on a grid coordinate. To include it:
#import <SRGridLocation/CLLocation+SRGridLocation.h>
Then use it like:
CLLocation *location = [CLLocation sr_locationWithX:6167342 y:1323289];