This project deploys a seg-way collection platform in Azure using AKS for use with CrowdStrike/Logscale to collect data from Azure, AzureAD(Entra), Intune and Defender products.
- The user executing this setup process will require the rights to create a security group in Azure Active Directory
- The rights to create resources including resource groups in Azure
- The ability to connect to the required azure endpoints
- The ability to use git and access
- The ability to access
Restricted accounts may disable required providers by default use the following commands to enable required providers
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.ManagedIdentity' --wait
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Network' --wait
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.ContainerService' --wait
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.ContainerInstance' --wait
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Eventhub' --wait
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.Insights' --wait
While an existing resource group can be used a shared group may be confusing to future administrator
# replace "segway-state" with a meaningful name conforming to org standards
# --tags should be modified to conform to org standards or removed
AZRG=<name of group>
# Such as EastUS
AZLOCATION=<Azure Location>
az group create --name $AZRG --location $AZLOCATION
Using an exisitng group simply set the variable for later use
AZRG=<name of group>
The storage account and container created below will be accessible via internet endpoints. Use a approved configuration appropriate for your environment as needed.
1 Create a storage account note the name of this account must be unique among ALL Azure customers. The name selected must conform to Azure requirements. Most commonly all lower case and numeric with no spaces dashes or symbols.
az storage account create --name $AZSTATE --resource-group $AZRG
2 Create a container in the storage account named "tfstate"
az storage container create --name tfstate --auth-mode login --account-name $AZSTATE --public-access off
az storage share-rm create -g $AZRG --storage-account $AZSTATE -n segateway -q 100 --enabled-protocols SMB
Unmount from the the current CloudShell session:
clouddrive unmount
Reconnect and attach to File Share created above
The default AzureShell contains all required tools except terragrunt install one time using the following procedure
Install terragrunt
mkdir ~/bin || true;curl -L -o ~/bin/terragrunt; chmod +x ~/bin/terragrunt
Clone the repository
git clone clouddrive/host-azure-aks
to the directorycd clouddrive/host-azure-aks/deployments
to remove.template
cp azure_vars.template.yaml azure_vars.yaml cp logging_vars.template.yaml logging_vars.yaml cp segway_values.template.yaml segway_values.yaml
Launch editor for example VSCode
code .
Update value files per comments in template and save changes
If conditional access is in use aquire needed roles
If using a environment other than Azure Cloud Shell From a command prompt authenticate to azure
az login
# the value 4 below limits threads and results in improved performance for cloudshell terragrunt run-all apply --terragrunt-non-interactive --terragrunt-parallelism 4
- Configure diagnostic settings for azure resources to use the created azure eventhub
- Configure activity logging settings for AzureAD to use the created azuread eventhub
- Configure defender and intune to the respective defender and intune hubs