Basic calling
require_once "../../../hprose-php/src/Hprose.php";
use Hprose\Client;
use Hprose\TimeoutException;
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
$client = Client::create('', false);
$params= [
'database'=> '[dbname]',
'collection'=> '[collection]',
// running server side function
echo $client->one($params, []); # return one matching record
### return the result json
code: 0,
msg: "ok",
data: {
_id: 1,
del: 0,
gid: 790,
logo: "",
name: "商品BBB1",
Read simple data
$params= [
'database'=> '[dbname]', # not options!
'collection'=> '[collection]', # not options!
//"-" means un-select the field, unset the key when return all field
'select'=> '+gid,+logo,+qty,-_id', # options
//+: asc sorting -: desc sorting
'sort'=> '-show,-sale,+_id', # options
'offset'=> 100, // offset number
'limit'=> 20, // limit count # options
// return all matching record
echo $client->all($params, []);
// return all matching count
echo $client->count($params, []);
// return all matching count
echo $client->all($params, $where= [
'type'=> "hot",
'sale'=> "1", // string type
'status'=> 1, // int type
Complex query expression
# compare ">" "<" ">=" "<=" "!" "%"
$where= [ ">", "_id", 11 ];
$where= [ ">=", "_id", 11 ];
$where= [ "<", "_id", 99 ];
$where= [ "<=", "_id", 99 ];
$where= [ "=", "_id", 55 ];
$where= [ "!", "_id", 77 ];
$where= [ "%", "title", "someword" ];
# "in" condition
$where= [ "in", "_id", [ 1,3,4,5 ] ];
# "and" condition
$where= [
[ ">=", "_id", 11 ],
[ "<", "_id", 99 ],
# "or" condition
$where= [
[ ">=", "_id", 11 ],
[ "<", "_id", 99 ],
'qty'=> "<100",
'sale'=> "1",
[ "%", "title", "somestring"],
Insert / update / batchInsert / delete
# base insert
$params= [
'database'=> '[dbname]', # not options!
'collection'=> '[collection]', # not options!
// simple insert
echo $client->insert($params, ["title"=>"test", "status"=>1, "content"=>"some content"... ]);
# nesting insert bson data
echo $client->insert($params, [
"string"=>"hello world", "_id"=> 123, "array"=>[
's1'=> "ssss",
's2'=> [
1, 3, 34
# delete bson data
echo $client->delete($params, $where= ["_id"=> 123] );
# update the rows
echo $client->update($params, $where= ["_id"=> 123], [
"date"=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
"arr"=> [
"string"=> "new string",
] );
# rewrite the rows
echo $client->update($params, $where= ["_id"=> 123], [
"date"=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
"arr"=> [
"string"=> "new string",
"arr"=> [ 1, 2, 3]
] );
# insert batch
echo $client->batchInsert($params, [
"string"=>"fffffffff", "array"=> [
's1'=> "ssss", 's2'=> 999999999
's1'=> "ssss", "array"=>[
's1'=> "ssss",
's2'=> [
's1'=> "ssss", 's2'=> 999999999
] );
More advance syntax analysis