Minor edit #679
on: push
Matrix: core_images
Matrix: component_images
Matrix: example_images
Matrix: upload_artifacts
11 errors
conda image build & publish
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: unexpected status code https://quay.io/v2/condaforge/miniforge3/blobs/sha256:9ea8908f47652b59b8055316d9c0e16b365e2b5cee15d3efcb79e2957e3e7cad: 504 Gateway Time-out
turn-rest image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
js-interposer-ubuntu20.04 image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
js-interposer-ubuntu24.04 image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
gstreamer-ubuntu22.04 image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
gstreamer-ubuntu24.04 image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
js-interposer-ubuntu22.04 image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
coturn-web image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
gstreamer-ubuntu20.04 image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
infra-gcp-installer image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.
coturn image build & publish
The job was canceled because "conda_PACKAGE_VERSION_0_0" failed.