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Update instructions:

  1. Clone sendwithus/sendwithus-mvn-repo and sendwithus/sendwithus_java to your local machine.

  2. Make your changes in the sendwithus_java repo, and merge into master.

    • Increment the version numbers in,, and both pom.xml files (
  3. Build the project and update your local copy of sendwithus-mvn-repo. From the root of your sendwithus_java project, run:

    mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshot-repo::default::file:FIXME/PATH/TO/sendwithus-mvn-repo/releases clean deploy

    Be sure to update the file:FIXME/PATH/TO/sendwithus-mvn... part of the command!

  4. Push all of the changes in the sendwithus-mvn-repo project to github.

Update with Docker

If you want to avoid installing all of the Java requirements on your own local machine, perform the steps above within a docker image.

docker run -it --rm --name swu-java-maven -v "$PWD":/usr/src/mymaven -v
**PATH to maven repo source**:/usr/src/mvn-repo -w /usr/src/mymaven
maven:3.2-jdk-7 mvn
clean deploy


  • Run that command from within the sendwithus_java directory.
  • Important: change the **PATH to maven repo source** to the absolute path to the maven directory.
  • The first -v mounts the local (sendwithus_java) directory to the working directory ('-w') within the docker image.
  • The second -v mounts the maven repo directory into the docker image also.
  • The last part of the command runs maven and sets the output directory to the mounted maven dir where the package is generated.


  • To build at any time, run mvn clean install from the root sendwithus_java directory. This will also run unit tests.

  • When any undeployed changes to the sendwithus_java client are made, '-SNAPSHOT' should be appended to the version number to indicate it is in a development state. Remove '-SNAPSHOT' when work has completed.