OTA firmware update android application for slilabs BLE
https://github.com/SiliconLabs/EFRConnect-android used as reference to write this application example.
Example application of OTA firmware upload for slilabs BLE devices.
There are almost infinte number of scenarios while doing OTA process. I tried to cover some of them
- Connect target device
- If target device not in DFU mode reboot into DFU
- If target device already in DFU mode skip reboot
- Open .gbl file
- Validate connectivity and mac address
- Begin OTA
- Requesting required android permissions
- Validating .gbl file
- Increase Error handling and state management
- Gracefully disconnect from BLE device
- Rety mechanism
- Configuranle MTU(And why we have to request 3 more bytes ? )
- Progress in bitrate
- Reliable upload