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This project is an attempt to provide and maintain internationalized database
of world countries, their regions, cities and other localities.

Contains 'loc2yaml', CSV to YAML converter tool for UN/LOCODE data, which is
chosen as foundation for locations database. Helper tool called 'loctrans',
allowing to generate initial translations to different languages is provided
as well (uses Google Translate service).

UN/LOCODE homepage:
Recent CSV files with locations data can be downloaded here:

Examples of loc2yaml usage:

loc2yaml unlocode.csv
    Process all the data of 'unlocode.csv' file and put generated files into
    default 'country' directory, creating it in current directory if necessary.

loc2yaml -c us,ca -o path/to/yaml/files unlocode.csv
    Process only data related to USA and Canada, putting generated files into
    specified directory.

loc2yaml -o world.yaml *.csv
    Generate single YAML file for all CSV files found in current directory.
    Note that loc2yaml doesn't support wildcard file names natively.

loc2yaml -m -r -o world.yaml *.yaml
    Merge all YAML files found in current directory into single file. All
    content of destination file will be overwritten (see -r flag).

Examples of loctrans usage:

loctrans -k GOOGLE_API_KEY -t uk -o dest/ua.yaml src/ua.yaml
    Generate translations for Ukrainian language and save results as separate
    file. Default translations will be used as source texts.

loctrans -k GOOGLE_API_KEY -c ru -s en -t ru world.yaml
    Assuming 'world.yaml' contains location data for several countries, generate
    translations only for Russia (target language is also Russian) and update
    original YAML file. Existent English translations will be used as source
    texts when possible.

Structure of generated documents:

01 country:
02   'NO':
03     name:
04       default: Norge
05       en: Norway
06     region:
07       '01':
08         name: Østfold
09         city:
10           FRK: Fredrikstad
11           SPG: Sarpsborg
12       '02':
13         name: 02 (TODO)
14       .NONE:
15         city:
16           .EMR:
17             name: Emerald City
18             flags: preserve, odd

Format notes:

* Country, region and city codes are case-sensitive (lines 2, 7, 10, 11, 12,
  16), loc2yaml expects them to be in upper case to update files correctly.
  Reserved words such as 'name', 'region', etc. should be in lower case.
* Country codes should comply with 2-letter codes defined in ISO 3166-1
  standard (line 2).
* Custom region codes are formally allowed, though should be used only if
  absolutely necessary. Ensure there are no intersections with codes defined
  in ISO 3166-2 for country subdivisions (lines 7, 12, 14). Note that these
  standard subdivision codes are used without redundant country prefix.
* Custom city codes are allowed for entries missing in source UN/LOCODE data.
  In above context term 'city' may correspond to any locality within grouping
  region (lines 10, 11, 16).
* loc2yaml groups orphane localities using special '.NONE' region code (line
  14). In most if not all cases such entries should be moved to proper region
* There are several ways to provide names for countries, regions and cities.
  In-place naming, where entry name follows its code right at the same line,
  is supported only for cities (lines 10, 11).
* Translations to different languages can be provided by expanding 'name'
  element (lines 3-5). It's recommended to use ISO 639-1 language codes and
  always provide a "default" translation.
* When loc2yaml is unable to provide full name, e.g. region names in newly
  generated files, it uses placeholder name based on locality code with
  '(TODO)' suffix added to it (line 13).
* Comma-separated list of parser hints (described below) can be provided for
  loc2yaml to alter its behavior when updating certain entries (line 18).

Parser hints:

* preserve
  Protects certain entry from deletion when loc2yaml is invoked to update
  existent YAML file and source UN/LOCODE data doesn't contain such entry
  anymore. Usually applied to custom entries when loc2yaml is expected to be
  used with --no-obsolete argument.
* odd
  Not recognized by loc2yaml directly, but can be useful to mark undesirable
  entries for target applications. Being simply removed such entries likely
  will be restored on next updating invocation of loc2yaml.


CSV to YAML converter for UN/LOCODE data







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