This project is Contour Detection and Shape Detection using C++ and OpenCV.
1- Preprocessing(binary image): BGR2GRAY, Gaussian Blur, Canny Edge Detection, Dilation
2- Find the contours using findContours() in binary Image
3- Add threshold condition to get contour if the size of the contour is matched
4- Calculate perimeter using arclenth() & approximate the contour with polygon
5- Calculate the bounding rectangle for the polygon & determine the no. of corners of a polygon
6- Classify the shape based on no. of corners & check the aspect ratio in order to differentiate between square & rectangle
7- Draw the contour and bounding rectangle on the original image
1- Download & Install OpenCV onto your computer from
2- Git Clone this project onto your computer.
3- Add the Environment Variable ' OPENCV_DIR ' into your System Environment Variables pointing to the OpenCV installation directory.