Application Warmer for Serverless Framework.
$ npm i @slsplus/warmer -g
Usage: ywarm [options]
Warm up serverless application with customize variables
-v, --version output the current version
-n, --name [name] instance name, name config in serverless.yml
-a, --app [app] app name, app config in serverless.yml
-r, --region [region] region of function (default: 'ap-guangzhou')
-s, --stage [stage] app stage, stage config in serverless.yml (default: 'dev')
-o, --org [org] app org name, org config in serverless.yml
-f, --function-name [functionName] cloud function name
-h, --help display help for command
Example call:
$ ywarm --help
$ ywarm --name=expressdemo --app=appname --stage=dev --org=myorg
$ ywarm -f 'express_jyovx1a'
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Tencent Cloud, Inc.