- since there is an official image now which includes all the features there is no need to maintain another image
- (https://hub.docker.com/r/librenms/librenms)
- this repo is not longer maintained, feel free to fork.
- LibreNMS is a fully featured network monitoring system.
- PHP 7 FPM / nginx / rrdcached
- Please send an issue an github if you see an error with this docker image.
- 2020/03/13: Update to PHP7.4
- 2019/03/15: Add folder for custom monitoring plugins
- 2018/09/20: Update to baseiamge 0.11 (bionic, ubuntu 18.04 base)
- 2018/05/10: Update to PHP 7.2 & Fix Timezone Setup & baseimage 0.10.1
- 2018/04/30: Added ceph service support
- 2018/02/09: Update to Phusion Baseimage 0.10.0 & added composer
- 2017/12/14: Support for distributed poller nodes
- 2017/10/31: ldap auth bind support added
- 2017/10/19: add new env UPDATE_CHANNEL with default value: master.
- 2017/10/18: dynamic config.php based on environment variables (fixes #8)
- 2017/10/18: ldap group type added
- 2017/09/02: ldap authentication support; use mariadb as backend database server
- 2017/08/29: update phusion baseiamge 0.9.22
- 2016/09/29: added rrdcached
- 2016/09/29: fix cronjobs
- 2016/09/28: update to Ubuntu 16.04 (phusion baseiamge 0.9.19)
- 2016/09/28: change to php 7 & nginx
- 2016/09/28: fixes graphs on overview pages.
- on docker start it will pull the latest version.
- the system is updating every day
- [new/changed] weathermap support, activate with environment var.
- [02.08.2015] Fixed auto update permission problem.
- data
- mysql
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-ldap.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-distributed-poller.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-ceph.yml up -d
docker run -d -m 1g \
-v $PWD/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
-v $PWD/50-server.cnf:/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf:ro \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pwd4librenms \
-e TZ=Europe/Vienna \
--name librenms-db \
docker run -d \
-v $PWD/data:/data \
-p 80:80 \
-e TZ=Europe/Vienna \
--link librenms-db:mysql \
-e POLLER=24 \
-e DB_TYPE=mysql \
-e DB_HOST=mysql \
-e DB_NAME=librenms \
-e DB_USER=root \
-e DB_PASS=pwd4librenms \
-e LDAP_SERVER=ldap.example.com \
-e LDAP_PORT=389 \
-e LDAP_PREFIX=uid= \
-e LDAP_SUFFIX=,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \
-e LDAP_GROUP=cn=groupname,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com \
-e LDAP_GROUP_BASE=ou=group,dc=example,dc=com \
--name librenms \
- URL: http://localhost (or the ip from the host running this docker)
- User: librenms
- Pass: librenms
- POLLER: Set poller count. [a good value is 4 x CPU Count] Defaults to
- TZ: Set timezone. Defaults to
- WEATHERMAP: if set [=1], it pulls the weathermap plugin. Needs to be enabled in frontend.
- UPDATE_CHANNEL: Select update channel, can be
. Default:master
- to use the weathermap plugin do following:
[change to your data folder on host]
mkdir plugins (if it not exists. first run of this container will create it.)
cd plugins
git clone https://github.com/laf/Weathermap-for-Observium.git weathermap
- to use custom monitoring plugins, place them under
- a restart is required
- This docker image is built upon the baseimage made by phusion
- LibreNMS Team: http://www.librenms.org/