Solver for coupled nonlinear partial differential equations (elliptic-parabolic conservation laws) based on the Voronoi finite volume method. It uses automatic differentiation via ForwardDiff.jl and DiffResults.jl to evaluate user functions along with their jacobians and calculate derivatives of solutions with respect to their parameters.
Please look up the list of recent changes for some breaking changes
- VoronoiFVMDiffEq.jl: Glue package for using VoronoiFVM with DifferentialEquations.jl
- ExtendableSparse.jl: convenient and efficient sparse matrix assembly
- ExtendableGrids.jl: unstructured grid management library
- SimplexGridFactory.jl: unified high level mesh generator interface
- Triangulate.jl: Julia wrapper for the Triangle triangle mesh generator by J. Shewchuk
- TetGen.jl: Julia wrapper for the TetGen tetrahedral mesh generator by H. Si.
- GridVisualize.jl: grid and function visualization related to ExtendableGrids.jl
- PlutoVista.jl: backend for GridVisualize.jl for use in Pluto notebooks.
VoronoiFVM.jl and most of these packages are part of the meta package PDELib.jl.
- GradientRobustMultiPhysics.jl: finite element library implementing gradient robust FEM from the same package base by Ch. Merdon
- SkeelBerzins.jl: a Julian variation on Matlab's
API - Trixi.jl: numerical simulation framework for hyperbolic conservation laws
- GridAP.jl Grid-based approximation of partial differential equations in Julia
- Ferrite.jl Finite element toolbox for Julia
- FinEtools.jl Finite element tools for Julia
- FiniteVolumeMethod.jl Finite volumes with Donald boxes
If you use this package in your work, please cite it according to CITATION.cff