Feiertage.js is a small typescript npm module without dependencies to calculate German holidays for each Bundesland.
- yarn:
yarn add feiertagejs
- npm:
npm install feiertagejs
- bower:
bower install feiertagejs
outdated! - Plain Javascript outdated!
If you are looking for a day.js plugin find it in this repository.
The prefered whay is to directly import the typescript module. However, you can also use .js. Please find here some examples and full api here.
import { getHolidays, isHoliday, isSpecificHoliday } from 'feiertagejs';
const today = new Date();
// is today a holiday?
isHoliday(today, 'BW'); // false -- probably false, because you are working ;)
// check if a day is a specific holiday
isSpecificHoliday(today, 'CHRISTIHIMMELFAHRT', 'ALL'); // true | false
// get all holiday for a single year: getHolidays()
// returns an array of "Holiday" Objects. Please see the docs.md for all properties.
const holidays2023 = getHolidays('2023', 'BUND');
holidays2023[0].date // === Date("2023-01-01");
holidays2023[0].name // 'NEUJAHRSTAG' (constant)
holidays2023[0].translate('de') // German translation: Neujahrstag
holidays2023[0].equals(date) // Compare days only (ignore time)
One entry of the array contains:
date: new Date('2023-05-17T22:00:00.000Z'),
dateString: '2023-05-18',
regions: [
'BW', 'BY', 'BE',
'BB', 'HB', 'HE',
'HH', 'MV', 'NI',
'NW', 'RP', 'SL',
'SN', 'ST', 'SH',
translate: [Function: translate],
getNormalizedDate: [Function: getNormalizedDate],
equals: [Function: equals]
The full API doc can be found here.
You have two options two give feedback or ask questions:
Thank you for contributing:
- thetric
- SteveOswald
If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue.