While developing the medium or large level project, it will be the biggest thing because there are lot of problem may come in future by bad project structure and coding styles. To avoid these thing i have created this project.
This project written in angular 7. That doesn't matter, The following style guides are applicable for all of the Angular Versions.
1. Project Structure
2. Angular style guide
3. HTML Style guide
4. SASS Style guide
1. Custom Angular material theme setup, Typography setup.
2. SCSS utilities with theme and typo utilities. The SCSS utilities
will explain in the style folder itself.
3. Routing setup.
4. configuration written with decarators (Name , Version)
5. Message services for loading, popup, snackbars.
6. Sign In, Sign up also available.
If you are going to start a new angular project, you can use this project. if you are any doupt or issue you can post that in gitub issue or you can send mail to us
[email protected]
. We will try to solve your issue as soon as possible.
|-- src
|-- app
|-- angular-material
|-- auth
|-- components
|-- containers
|-- auth.component.ts | html | scss | spec.ts
|-- auth.module.ts
|-- auth.routing.module.ts
|-- common
|-- config
|-- app.config.ts
|-- config.module.ts
|-- index.ts
|-- core
|-- layouts
|-- compnents
|-- models
|-- abstracts (or interfaces)
|-- http
|-- payloads
|-- response
|-- index.ts
|-- enums
|-- contstants.enum.ts
|-- index.ts
|-- providers
|-- guards
|-- http
|-- http-interceptors
|-- index.ts
|-- home
|-- components
|-- header
|-- header.component.ts | html | scss | spec.ts
|-- pages
|-- candidates
|-- components
|-- data-table.component.ts | html | scss | spec.ts
|-- profile.component.ts | html | scss | spec.ts
|-- index.ts
|-- containers
|-- list
|-- list.component.ts | html | scss | spec.ts
|-- store
|-- store.module.ts
|-- candidates.component.ts | html | scss | spec.ts
|-- candidates.module.ts
|-- candidates-routing.module.ts
|-- app.component.ts | html | scss | spec.ts
|-- 404.ts
|-- app-routing.module.ts
|-- shared
|-- components
|-- directives
|-- pipes
|-- shared.module.ts
|-- store
|-- auth
|-- state.ts
|-- store.module.ts
|-- assets
|-- css
|-- images
|-- icons
|-- js
|-- environments
|-- styles (or scss)
|-- classes
|-- mixins
|-- functions
|-- _index.scss
|-- _theme.scss
|-- _reboot.scss
|-- _variable.scss
|-- _layout-common.scss
|-- styles.scss
We are following the Angular Official style guides for maintain the angular components, pipes, directive, service and modules
We are following the BEM (Block Element Modifier) guide for SCSS styling. This style guide will be useful for applying styles and also we are following some style guide from angular material to manage theme setup and common layout style and global styles.
We are following Google official HTML style guide for HTML tag styles. it will be useful to manage the HTML Tags. That contains some cool tips. it will prevent you from bad HTML Tags styles.
1. fixed - issue fixed
2. feat(scope) - UI design working
3. build - deployment
4. chor - other that doesn't affect the test and src code
5. perf - performance improvement
6. feat(api integration) - API integration
7. clean - code clean up
8. style - code style like adding semi colon, line space
9. beaking change - any breaking change in the code
10. refactor - refactor the code
11. test - unit testing commits
commitType (scope): Subject of the commit (max 52 chars)
long Description
Closed issue ids
1. fixed: Multiple request in search criteria page
long description
BREAKING CHANGE: breaking change
Closes issues #001, #002
2. feat(design): inprogress: Task and assignment in dashboard
3. chor(git commit message rules): Updated readme document
1. Use NGXS for state management ( before going to use state management frameworks like NGXS, NGRX,REDUX.
should know where you have to use this. thats very important thing ).
2. Follow Pro HTML and CSS design pattern for creating styles because it will contain some awsome ticks
that will help you increase you designing knowledge.
3. Use OOAD (Design pattern), it will make your project reusable, clean and neat. atleast know the
some common pattern like Singleton, Facade, Observe, factory, statergy patterns to use it.
4. Avoid using multiple web design frameworks. use any one to avoid theme collision.
5. Use SVG Type icons.
6. Avoid using Loadsh or other libraries for simple array utilities. there are some cool predefined
methods available in javascript itself on nowdays.
7. Should Know the use of navigator.onLine. its not for online and offline check its for network connected
or not.
6. Use angular flexlayout to reduce the amount of scss code.
8. Use webpack proxy if you are going to use the build file in same backend server instead seperate
server of frontend. it will avoid add CORS setup in dev server.
9. Use MICRO FRONTEND architecture for large project to avoid maintainabilty and deployment problems.
10. Avoid directly manipulating the DOM elements instead of use angular framwork things.
Using The best Editor is very important for medium and large level project. I am always use the Jetbrains IDE like
like that. These IDEs are awesome tools to reduce work load.