This repo contains projects that were developed throughout the tutorial series
- Eyowo Login
- IBOutlet & IBAction
- Gesture Recognizers (Animal Gallery)
- Tic-Tac-Toe Starter
- Tic-Tac-Toe Complete
- Observer Communication Pattern Starter
- Observer Communication Pattern Complete
- Light-Bulb Starter
- Light-Bulb Complete
- CollectionView Complete
- RetainCycle
- Semaphores
- #EndSARS Starter
- #EndSARS Complete
- URLSession DataTask
- URLSession DownloadTask
- Encodable & Decodable
- Yummie Complete UI
- Yummie Full App
- Note Taking App (Starter)
- Note Taking App (CoreData)
- Note Taking App NSFetchedResultsController
- SegmentView Tutorial
- UI Testing Starter Project
- MVC Starter Project
- MVVM Design Pattern Finished
- Basic Animation & Spring Animation
- Compositional Layout
- Multi Section Compositional Layout Starter
- Multi Section Compositional Layout Finished