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Github Actions Promote #99

Github Actions Promote

Github Actions Promote #99

Workflow file for this run

name: Help Command
types: [created]
description: 'Pull Request number to post help comment on'
required: true
type: string
issues: write
pull-requests: write
if: ${{ (github.event.issue.pull_request && github.event.comment.body == '/help') || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Show Available Commands
uses: actions/github-script@v7
script: |
const sections = {
commands: {
deploy: {
title: '## `/deploy`',
purpose: '**Purpose:** Deploy a review app for your pull request',
details: [
'**What it does:**',
'- Creates a new review app in Control Plane',
'- Deploys your changes to the review environment',
'- Provides a unique URL to preview your changes',
'- Shows build and deployment progress in real-time',
'**Optional Configuration:**',
'- `WAIT_TIMEOUT`: Deployment timeout in seconds (default: 900)',
' - Must be a positive integer',
' - Example: `/deploy timeout=1800`'
destroy: {
title: '## `/destroy`',
purpose: '**Purpose:** Remove the review app for your pull request',
details: [
'**What it does:**',
'- Deletes the review app from Control Plane',
'- Cleans up associated resources',
'- Updates PR with deletion status'
setup: {
title: '## Environment Setup',
sections: [
title: '**Required Environment Secrets:**',
items: [
'- `CPLN_TOKEN_STAGING`: Control Plane authentication token',
'- `CPLN_TOKEN_PRODUCTION`: Control Plane authentication token'
title: '**Required GitHub Actions Variables:**',
items: [
'- `CPLN_ORG_STAGING`: Control Plane authentication token',
'- `CPLN_ORG_PRODUCTION`: Control Plane authentication token'
title: '**Required GitHub Actions Variables (these need to match your control_plane.yml file:**',
items: [
'- `PRODUCTION_APP_NAME`: Control Plane production app name',
'- `STAGING_APP_NAME`: Control Plane staging app name',
'- `REVIEW_APP_PREFIX`: Control Plane review app prefix'
note: 'Optional: Configure `WAIT_TIMEOUT` in GitHub Actions variables to customize deployment timeout'
integration: {
title: '## Control Plane Integration',
details: [
'1. Review app naming convention:',
' ```',
' ${{ vars.REVIEW_APP_PREFIX }}-<pr-number>',
' ```',
'2. Console URL: `{CPLN_ORG}/gvc/{APP_NAME}/-info`'
cleanup: {
title: '## Automatic Cleanup',
details: [
'Review apps are automatically destroyed when:',
'1. The pull request is closed',
'2. The `/destroy` command is used',
'3. A new deployment is requested (old one is cleaned up first)'
help: {
title: '## Need Help?',
details: [
'For additional assistance:',
'1. Check the [Control Plane documentation](',
'2. Contact the infrastructure team',
'3. Open an issue in this repository'
const generateHelpText = () => {
const parts = ['# Available Commands', ''];
// Add commands
Object.values(sections.commands).forEach(cmd => {
parts.push(cmd.title, cmd.purpose, '', ...cmd.details, '');
// Add setup section
parts.push(sections.setup.title, '');
sections.setup.sections.forEach(section => {
parts.push(section.title, ...section.items, '');
parts.push(sections.setup.note, '');
// Add remaining sections
['integration', 'cleanup', 'help'].forEach(section => {
parts.push(sections[section].title, '', ...sections[section].details, '');
return parts.join('\n');
const helpText = generateHelpText();
const prNumber = context.eventName === 'workflow_dispatch'
? parseInt(context.payload.inputs.pr_number)
: context.issue.number;
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
issue_number: prNumber,
body: helpText