This is a fork of whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action with one small modification: It reads Google Container Registry's Service Account credential and decode it with base64 before logging in.
Modifications are licensed with MIT License.
This action builds your docker image and caches the stages (supports multi-stage builds) to improve building times in subsequent builds.
By default, it pushes the image with all the stages to a registry (needs username and password), but you can disable this feature by setting push_image_and_stages
to false
Built-in support for the most known registries: Docker Hub, AWS ECR, GitHub's registry, and Google Cloud.
- image_name: Image name (e.g. node).
username: Docker registry's user (needed to push images, or to pull from a private repository).
password: Docker registry's password (needed to push images, or to pull from a private repository).
session: Extra auth parameters. For AWS ECR, means setting AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variable.
registry: Docker registry (default: Docker Hub's registry).
image_tag: Tag(s) of the image. Allows multiple comma-separated tags (e.g.
) (default:latest
). -
context: Docker context (default:
). -
dockerfile: Dockerfile filename path (default:
). -
push_git_tag: In addition to
, you can also push the git tag in your branch tip (default:false
). -
pull_image_and_stages: Set to
to avoid pulling from the registry or to build from scratch (default:true
). -
build_extra_args: Extra params for
docker build
). -
push_image_and_stages: Test a command before pushing. Use
to not push at all (default:true
).This input also supports 2 special values, which are useful if your workflow can be triggered by different events:
: Push only if the workflow was triggered by a push.on:pull_request
: Push only if the workflow was triggered by a pull_request.
- FULL_IMAGE_NAME: Full name of the Docker Image with the Registry (if provided) and Namespace included.
The action does the following every time it is triggered:
- (Optional) Pull previously pushed stages (if any) from the specified
(default: - Build the image using cache (i.e. the pulled stages)
- Tag the image
- (Optional) Push the image with the tag(s) specified in
- (Optional) Push each stage to the registry with names like
- (Optional) Push the git tag as
if you setpush_git_tag: true
Find working minimal examples for the most known registries in this repo.
If you don't specify a registry, Docker Hub is the default one
- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v5
username: whoan
password: "${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD }}"
image_name: hello-world
GitHub automatically creates a GITHUB_TOKEN secret to use in your workflow.
If you push the image to a public repository's GitHub Registry, please be aware that it will be impossible to delete it because of GitHub's policy (see Deleting a package).
- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v5
username: whoan
password: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
image_name: hello-world
More info here on how to get GCloud JSON key.
- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v5
username: _json_key
password: "${{ secrets.GCLOUD_JSON_KEY }}"
image_name: hello-world
You don't even need to create the repositories in advance, as this action takes care of that for you!
- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v5
username: "${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}"
password: "${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}"
session: "${{ secrets.AWS_SESSION_TOKEN }}" # if you need role assumption
image_name: hello-world
- uses: whoan/docker-build-with-cache-action@v5
username: whoan
password: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
image_name: whoan/docker-images/node
image_tag: alpine-slim,another-tag,latest
push_git_tag: true
context: node-alpine-slim
dockerfile: custom.Dockerfile
build_extra_args: "--compress=true --build-arg=hello=world"
push_image_and_stages: docker run my_awesome_image:latest # eg: push only if docker run succeed
- Be specific with the base images. e.g.: if you start from an image with the
tag, it may download different versions when the action is triggered, and it will invalidate the cache. - If you are using Buildkit, the stages won't be pushed to the registry. This might be supported in a future version.
- Some docker limitations might cause the cache not to be used correctly. More information in this SO answer.