Sample README boilerplate for personal projects.
Short, 1-2 sentence description of what the app does and the key technologies/languages you used.
Link to live project/website or instructions for how to operate project on user's local machine.
Only add this section if the project is incomplete. If project is still in development, what is left to complete?
[Screenshot 1]
[Screenshot 2]
Add a few paragraphs with a full description of the product's journey, including:
-How long this project took
-Purpose of the project (Was this app meant to solve a problem? Was this a side project to get a better handle on a programming concept?)
-Whether you worked with a group and what it was like
-Being honest about obstacles/challenges you faced and how you overcame them. We all have challenges when we're learning something new!
-Bulleted list with other key learnings:
* Learning 1
* Learning 1
* Learning 1