Note: This project is no longer actively maintained. Please refer to its spiritual successor rmq.
This is a fast, persistent, atomic message queue implementation that uses redis as its storage engine written in go. It uses atomic list commands to ensure that messages are delivered only once in the right order without being lost by crashing consumers.
Details can be found in the blog post about its initial design:
A second article desribes the performance improvements of the current version:
It's not a standalone server that you can use as a message queue, at least not for now. The implementation is done purely client side. All message queue commands are "translated" into redis commands and then executed via a redis client.
If you want to use this with any other language than go you have to translate all of the commands into your language of choice.
All most all use cases are either covered in the examples or in the tests.
So the best idea is just to read those and figure it from there. But in any case:
To get started you need a running redis server. Since the tests run FlushDB()
an otherwise unused database is highly recommended
The first step is to create a new queue:
package main
import (
func main() {
testQueue := redismq.CreateQueue("localhost", "6379", "", 9, "clicks")
To write into the queue you simply use Put()
testQueue := redismq.CreateQueue("localhost", "6379", "", 9, "clicks")
The payload can be any kind of string, yes even a 10MB one.
To get messages out of the queue you need a consumer:
consumer, err := testQueue.AddConsumer("testconsumer")
if err != nil {
package, err := consumer.Get()
if err != nil {
will hold the original string, while package
will have some additional header information.
To remove a package from the queue you have to Ack()
package, err := consumer.Get()
if err != nil {
err = package.Ack()
if err != nil {
When input speed is of the essence BufferedQueues
will scratch that itch.
They pipeline multiple puts into one fast operation. The only issue is that upon crashing or restart the packages in
the buffer that haven't been written yet will be lost. So it's advised to wait one second before terminating your program to flush the buffer.
The usage is as easy as it gets:
bufferSize := 100
testQueue := redismq.CreateBufferedQueue("localhost", "6379", "", 9, "clicks", bufferSize)
and Get()
stay exactly the same.
I have found anything over 200 as bufferSize
not to increase performance any further.
To ensure that no packages are left in the buffer when you shut down your program you need to call
which will tell the queue to flush the buffer and wait till it's empty.
Like BufferedQueues
for Get()
speeds up the fetching of messages. The good news it comes without the buffer loss issues.
Usage is pretty straight forward with the only difference being the MultiAck()
packages, err := consumer.MultiGet(100)
if err != nil {
for i := range packages {
can be called on any package in the array with all the prior packages being "acked". This way you can Fail()
single packages.
Similar to AMQP redismq supports Failed Queues
meaning that packages that are rejected by a consumer will be stored in separate queue for further inspection. Alternatively a consumer can also Requeue()
a package and put it back into the queue:
package, err := consumer.Get()
if err != nil {
err = package.Requeue()
if err != nil {
To push the message into the Failed Queue
of this consumer simply use Fail()
package, err := consumer.Get()
if err != nil {
err = package.Fail()
if err != nil {
package, err = suite.consumer.GetUnacked()
As you can see there is also a command to get messages from the Failed Queue
Even though the original implementation wasn't aiming for high speeds the addition of BufferedQueues
and MultiGet
make it go something like this.
All of the following benchmarks were conducted on a MacBook Retina with a 2.4 GHz i7. The InputRate is the number of messages per second that get inserted, WorkRate the messages per second consumed.
Single Publisher, Two Consumers only atomic Get
and Put
InputRate: 12183
WorkRate: 12397
Single Publisher, Two Consumers using BufferedQueues
and MultiGet
InputRate: 46994
WorkRate: 25000
And yes that is a persistent message queue that can move over 70k messages per second.
If you want to find out for yourself checkout the example
folder. The load.go
or buffered_queue.go
will start a web server that will display performance stats under http://localhost:9999/stats
As redis is the underlying storage engine you can set your desired persistence somewhere between YOLO and fsync(). With somewhat sane settings you should see no significant performance decrease.
redismq is Copyright © 2014 adjust GmbH.
It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.