A multi-purpose RFID based scanner using raspberry pi
I started this project for SMK Krian 1. The goal was to make an RFID card as student's ID card. The card itself contains student's digital money for transactions, as well as level data to unlock doors in SMK Krian 1.
Description | Progress |
Read/Write to card system | 100% |
Seller dashboard system | 40% |
Digital wallet system | 70% |
Door lock system (with master key) | 0% |
More soon! |
Coming soon when it's ready!
Feels like contributing? Cool! You are very welcomed to do so! ❤️
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- Copy this software
- Modify this software
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- Use this software for commercial purposes
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- Removes the copyright
- Modifying the license
Also keep in mind that :
- If you build something on top of this software, you risk open-sourcing the whole code base
- You have to include the license and copyright notice with each and every distribution