ExtendABot is a completely modular discord bot with a pluginmanager. With that pluginmanager you can enable or disable plugins for your server. ExtendABot has a very extensive API for plugin-creators.
Creating a plugin is super easy. All you need to do is to create a folder for your plugin in the plugins
folder, and create an index.js
file. That index file is your main/init file that the pluginmanager will read.
exports.plugin = {
name: "MyPlugin",
version: "1.0",
conf: {
version: "1.0", // BOT version
perms: ['READ_MESSAGES', 'SEND_MESSAGES'], // perms the bot needs to execute this plugin
repo: "http://github.com", // to display if error happens
author: "MyName#1234",
authordiscordid: "MYID"
help: {
// This info will be displayed in the global pluginmanager command
name: "MyPlugin",
desc: "This is my own plugin!",
category: "Utility"
You can also add commands with only adding a simple section to your index:
exports.plugin = {
name: "MyPlugin",
version: "1.0",
cmds: {
example: {
run: async (client, message, args, level) => {
let cmd = require('./cmds/mycommand')
cmd.run(client, message, args, level)
conf: {
enabled: true,
guildOnly: true,
aliases: [],
permLevel: "User"
help: {
name: "example",
category: "Utility",
description: "Example command",
usage: "example"
conf: {
version: "1.0", // BOT version
perms: ['READ_MESSAGES', 'SEND_MESSAGES'], // perms the bot needs to execute this plugin
repo: "http://github.com", // to display if error happens
author: "MyName#1234",
authordiscordid: "MYID"
help: {
// This info will be displayed in the global pluginmanager command
name: "MyPlugin",
desc: "This is my own plugin!",
category: "Utility"
ExtendABot also supports Events:
exports.plugin = {
name: "MyPlugin",
version: "1.0",
cmds: {
example: {
run: async (client, message, args, level) => {
let cmd = require('./cmds/mycommand')
cmd.run(client, message, args, level)
conf: {
enabled: true,
guildOnly: true,
aliases: [],
permLevel: "User"
help: {
name: "example",
category: "Utility",
description: "Example command",
usage: "example"
events: {
guildMemberAdd: {
run: async (client, member) => {
member.send("Welcome!").catch(error => {
client.logger.warn(`The user ${member.username} has their DM's disabled or blocked me, therefore I wasn't able to deliver my messages.`)
conf: {
version: "1.0", // BOT version
perms: ['READ_MESSAGES', 'SEND_MESSAGES'], // perms the bot needs to execute this plugin
repo: "http://github.com", // to display if error happens
author: "MyName#1234",
authordiscordid: "MYID"
help: {
// This info will be displayed in the global pluginmanager command
name: "MyPlugin",
desc: "This is my own plugin!",
category: "Utility"
Voila! We now have made our very own ExtendABot plugin! You can play around with the API as much as you want since it's very customizable and modular.