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Test Formulae

Test Formulae #1547

Workflow file for this run

name: 'Test Formulae'
description: Build runner(s) (macOS version or Linux)
required: true
- cron: '30 5 * * *'
if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip-test')"
runs-on: ${{ github.event.inputs.runner || 'macos-latest' }}
fail-fast: false
php: ['7.2', '7.3', '7.4']
extensions: ['amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, lua, mailparse, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, swoole, uuid, v8js, vips, vld, xdebug, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, pcov, propro']
- php: '5.6'
extensions: amqp, apcu, couchbase, event, expect, gnupg, gearman, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, lua, mailparse, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, snmp, ssh2, swoole, uuid, vld, xdebug, yaml, zmq, propro
- php: '7.0'
extensions: amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, lua, mailparse, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, uuid, v8js, vips, vld, xdebug, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, propro
- php: '7.1'
extensions: amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, lua, mailparse, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, uuid, v8js, vips, vld, xdebug, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, pcov, propro
- php: '8.0'
extensions: amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, mailparse, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, swoole, v8js, uuid, vips, vld, xdebug, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, pcov
- php: '8.1'
extensions: amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, mailparse, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, swoole, v8js, uuid, vips, vld, xdebug, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, pcov
- php: '8.2'
extensions: amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, mailparse, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, swoole, v8js, uuid, vips, vld, xdebug, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, pcov
- php: '8.3'
extensions: amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, swoole, v8js, uuid, vips, vld, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, pcov
- php: '8.4'
extensions: amqp, apcu, ast, couchbase, ds, event, expect, gearman, gnupg, grpc, igbinary, imagick, imap, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mongodb, msgpack, pdo_sqlsrv, pecl_http, protobuf, psr, raphf, rdkafka, redis, sqlsrv, snmp, ssh2, swoole, uuid, vips, yaml, xlswriter, zmq, pcov
- php: '7.2'
extensions: xdebug2
- php: '7.3'
extensions: xdebug2
- php: '7.4'
extensions: xdebug2
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup cache environment
uses: shivammathur/cache-extensions@develop
skip_dependency_extensions: true
php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
extensions: ${{ matrix.extensions }}
key: homebrew-extensions-all-v2
- name: Setup PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@develop
php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
extensions: ${{ matrix.extensions }}
update: true
- name: Testing PHP version
run: |
php -v
php -r "if(strpos(phpversion(), '${{ matrix.php }}') === false) {throw new Exception('Wrong PHP version Installed');}"
- name: Testing Extensions
if: matrix.extensions != 'xdebug2'
run: |
php -m
php -r "if(substr(phpversion(), 0, 3)<8.0 && ! extension_loaded('propro')) {throw new Exception('propro not found');}"
php -r "if(phpversion()>=7.0 && ! extension_loaded('ast')) {throw new Exception('ast not found');}"
php -r "if(phpversion()>=7.1 && ! extension_loaded('pcov')) {throw new Exception('pcov not found');}"
php -r "if(phpversion()>=7.0 && ! extension_loaded('vips')) {throw new Exception('vips not found');}"
php -r "if(phpversion()<8.3 && ! extension_loaded('mailparse')) {throw new Exception('mailparse not found');}"
php -r "if(phpversion()<8.4 && ! extension_loaded('vld')) {throw new Exception('vld not found');}"
php -r "if(phpversion()<8.3 && ! extension_loaded('xdebug')) {throw new Exception('xdebug not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('amqp')) {throw new Exception('amqp not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('apcu')) {throw new Exception('apcu not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('couchbase')) {throw new Exception('couchbase not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('expect')) {throw new Exception('expect not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('gnupg')) {throw new Exception('gnupg not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('grpc')) {throw new Exception('grpc not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('http')) {throw new Exception('http not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('igbinary')) {throw new Exception('igbinary not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('imagick')) {throw new Exception('imagick not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('imap')) {throw new Exception('imap not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {throw new Exception('mcrypt not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('memcache')) {throw new Exception('memcache not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('memcached')) {throw new Exception('memcached not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('mongodb')) {throw new Exception('mongodb not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('msgpack')) {throw new Exception('msgpack not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('protobuf')) {throw new Exception('protobuf not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('raphf')) {throw new Exception('raphf not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('rdkafka')) {throw new Exception('rdkafka not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('redis')) {throw new Exception('redis not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('protobuf')) {throw new Exception('protobuf not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('psr')) {throw new Exception('psr not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('snmp')) {throw new Exception('snmp not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('ssh2')) {throw new Exception('ssh2 not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('uuid')) {throw new Exception('uuid not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('yaml')) {throw new Exception('yaml not found');}"
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('zmq')) {throw new Exception('zmq not found');}"
# Check if inputs.runner doesn't have arm64 in it or if matrix.php is not 7.0 and 7.1
if ! [[ "$(arch)" = "arm64" && "${{ matrix.php }}" =~ ^(7.0|7.1)$ ]]; then
php -r "if(! extension_loaded('swoole')) {throw new Exception('swoole not found');}"
- name: Testing Xdebug2
if: matrix.extensions == 'xdebug2'
run: php -r "if(phpversion('xdebug')!='2.9.8') {throw new Exception('xdebug2 not found');}"
- name: Testing Linkage
run: |
IFS=', ' read -ra extensions <<< "${{ matrix.extensions }}"
for extension in "${extensions[@]}"; do
echo "::group::$extension"
brew linkage "shivammathur/extensions/$extension@${{ matrix.php }}"
echo "::endgroup::"